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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 16 | Boraginaceae

35. Craniospermum Lehmann, Pl. Asperif. Nucif. 336. 1818.

颅果草属 lu guo cao shu

Herbs perennial or biennial. Leaves alternate. Cymes bracteate or ebracteate on lower part. Flowers sessile or short pedicellate. Calyx 5-parted; lobes erect, lanceolate-linear, somewhat enlarged in fruit, subtending fruit, hirsute. Corolla long tubular, slightly thickened distally; throat without appendages, sometimes with scalelike emergences alternate with corolla lobes; limb 5-parted; lobes vertical or spreading, triangular to ovate. Stamens inserted at middle of corolla tube, with exserted long filaments and linear-oblong anthers. Ovary 4-parted. Style exserted from corolla, entire at apex; stigma capitate or dotlike. Gynobase narrowly fastigiate. Nutlets oblong, glabrous, with cupular emergence abaxially; margin of emergence narrowly winged, entire or dentate; attachment scar at base adaxially. Seeds ovoid, dorsiventrally compressed.

Four or five species: C Asia; two species in China.

1 Herbs perennial, monocarpic; stems branched above; corolla dark blue-violet; filaments and anthers long exserted   1 Craniospermum mongolicum
+ Herbs polycarpic; stems not branched; corolla rose-lilac; filaments not exserted, anthers slightly exserted   2 Craniospermum subfloccosum

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