20. DOCYNIA Decaisne, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. 10: 125, 131. 1874.
栘木衣属 duo yi shu
Gu Cuizhi (Ku Tsue-chih); Stephen A. Spongberg
Trees evergreen or semievergreen; buds ovoid, small, with several exposed scales. Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, petiolate, venation camptodromous, margin entire or serrate, sometimes slightly lobed. Flowers shortly stalked, 2–5-fascicled, precocious or synantherous; bracts caducous, small. Hypanthium campanulate, abaxially densely tomentose. Sepals 5, lanceolate. Petals 5, white, base shortly clawed. Stamens 30–50, 2-whorled. Ovary inferior, 5-loculed, with 3–10 ovules per locule; styles 5, connate at base, villous. Pome subglobose, ovoid, or pyriform, 2–3 cm in diam., with persistent erect or incurved sepals.
About five species: Asia; two species (one endemic) in China.
1 |
Leaf blade elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, abaxially pubescent or subglabrous, margin serrate, rarely entire, firmly papery; stamens ca. 30; pome globose or ellipsoid, shortly stalked. |
1 D. indica |
+ |
Leaf blade lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, abaxially densely yellow tomentose, margin entire or slightly serrate, leathery; stamens 40–45; pome ovoid or oblong, long stalked. |
2 D. delavayi |
Lower Taxa
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