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23. Dracocephalum Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 594. 1753.

青兰属 qing lan shu

Dracocephalum tanguticum

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Fedtschenkiella Kudrjaschev.

Herbs perennial, rarely annual. Stems erect or prostrate. Leaves long petiolate at stem base, petiolate or sessile upward, entire, pinnate. Verticillasters in dense capitula or spikes, or widely spaced; bract margin acute serrate or spinescent, rarely entire. Calyx tubular or campanulate-tubular, straight or slightly curved, 15-veined, 2-lipped, 5-toothed; teeth subequal or sometimes middle tooth of upper lip wider than lateral teeth, sinuses with a thickened fold. Corolla blue-purple, pink, or violet, rarely white, slender basally, dilated at throat, 2-lipped; upper lip straight or slightly curved; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe largest. Stamens 4, posterior 2 longer than anterior 2; anthers glabrous, rarely hairy, cells 2, divaricate at nearly 180°. Style apex equally 2-cleft. Nutlets oblong, smooth, sometimes mucilaginous.

About 70 species: alpine and semidry regions mainly in temperate Asia, with a few in Europe, one in North America; 35 species in China.

Closely related to Nepeta but calyces with a thickened fold between the teeth.

1 Stamens long exerted; corolla ca. 0.8 cm   35 Dracocephalum stamineum
+ Stamens included or only short exserted; corolla 1-4.2 cm.   (2)
2 (1) Dwarf cespitose plants, stems 3-15 cm; branches numerous, crowded; leaves 3-5 mm, circular-ovate, pinnati- or palmatipartite.   (3)
+ Stems erect or suberect, taller, unbranched or few branched; leaves more than 10 mm, simple to pinnatisect.   (5)
3 (2) Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx slightly wider than lateral teeth, upper lip teeth the same shape; leaves palmately 5-parted   30 Dracocephalum palmatoides
+ Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx 2.5-5 × wider than lateral teeth, broadly ovate, lateral teeth lanceolate to narrowly triangular; leaves pinnatifid.   (4)
4 (3) Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx ca. 2.5 × wider than lateral teeth   31 Dracocephalum origanoides
+ Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx 4-5 × wider than lateral teeth   32 Dracocephalum paulsenii
5 (2) Leaves pinnatisect, segments linear.   (6)
+ Leaves undivided.   (13)
6 (5) Calyx conspicuously 2-lipped; leaves sometimes 2-pinnatifid   8 Dracocephalum bipinnatum
+ Calyx of 5 subequal teeth, lanceolate to narrowly triangular; leaves clearly pinnatisect.   (7)
7 (6) Leaf sections 2- or 3-paired, crowded toward blade base, appearing palmatisect.   (8)
+ Leaf segments not crowded at blade base.   (10)
8 (7) Flowers 2.5-2.8 cm; leaf segments suberect   5 Dracocephalum forrestii
+ Flowers 3.5-4.2 cm; leaf segments oblique or subpatent.   (9)
9 (8) Calyx densely lanate-villous, teeth 1/4-1/3 as long as tube, teeth lanceolate-triangular, subulate- acuminate   6 Dracocephalum isabellae
+ Calyx slightly scabrid, teeth ca. as long as tube, lanceolate, acute   7 Dracocephalum hookeri
10 (7) Corolla less than 1.5 cm   3 Dracocephalum propinquum
+ Corolla more than 2 cm.   (11)
11 (10) Internodes 1-1.2 cm; leaves abaxially strigose on nerves   1 Dracocephalum taliense
+ Internodes 2-6 cm; leaves abaxially densely white pubescent.   (12)
12 (11) Upper floral leaves much shorter than calyx   4 Dracocephalum tanguticum
+ Upper floral leaves as long as to longer than calyx   2 Dracocephalum calophyllum
13 (5) Leaves entire.   (14)
+ Leaves serrate or dentate.   (17)
14 (13) Bracts 2- or 3-serrulate; corolla 1.4-1.8 cm; teeth of upper lip of calyx divided almost to base, middle tooth of upper lip ca. 2 × as wide as lateral teeth; anthers glabrous.   (15)
+ Bracts entire; corolla more than 1.8 cm; teeth of upper lip of calyx divided to nearly 1/2 its length, middle tooth of upper lip slightly wider than lateral teeth; anthers hairy.   (16)
15 (14) Leaves lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-3 × 4-8 mm, entire   15 Dracocephalum integrifolium
+ Leaves linear, 5-7 × 0.8-1.2 mm, 2- or 3-serrulate; teeth with apical spines to 3 mm   14 Dracocephalum fruticulosum
16 (14) Stems subglabrous; calyx minutely hairy toward base, subglabrous toward apex; corolla 3.3-4 cm   34 Dracocephalum argunense
+ Stems sparsely minute hairy toward base; calyx minutely hairy throughout; corolla 1.7-2.4 cm   33 Dracocephalum ruyschiana
17 (13) Calyx conspicuously 2-lipped.   (18)
+ Calyx inconspicuously 2-lipped.   (21)
18 (17) Calyx 2-lipped nearly to base   11 Dracocephalum breviflorum
+ Calyx 2-lipped to ca. 1/2 its length.   (19)
19 (18) Leaves ovate, base ± cordate, crenate; bracts 3-8-spinescent-serrate; corolla white   9 Dracocephalum heterophyllum
+ Leaves lanceolate or narrowly oblong, base cuneate to rounded, denticulate; bracts 1-3-spinescent-serrate; corolla blue-purple.   (20)
20 (19) Perennial herbs; leaves ± leathery, base cuneate, few spinescent-denticulate   10 Dracocephalum peregrinum
+ Annual herbs; leaves herbaceous, base rounded to broadly cuneate, densely dentate with teeth not spinescent or sometimes basal teeth spinescent   12 Dracocephalum moldavica
21 (17) Middle tooth of upper lip ± same shape as lateral teeth, nearly as wide as to wider than lateral teeth.   (22)
+ Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx wider than lateral teeth, circular-ovate; lateral teeth broadly lanceolate to narrowly triangular.   (25)
22 (21) Basal leaves absent; cauline leaves many paired, short petiolate, elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 5-6 mm, 1-3-denticulate; calyx teeth 5, subequal; bracts spinescent-serrate   13 Dracocephalum psammophilum
+ Basal leaves present.   (23)
23 (22) Cauline leaves many paired, broadly ovate; verticillasters in long spikes   16 Dracocephalum nutans
+ Cauline leaves 2-6-paired, ovate to triangular-ovate; verticillasters crowded in capitula.   (24)
24 (23) Calyx minutely papillate hirtellous, glandular   19 Dracocephalum rigidulum
+ Calyx pubescent to silky-villous, margin white ciliate   20 Dracocephalum imberbe
25 (21) Basal petiole much shorter than blade; blade ovate to broadly ovate, 0.6-2 cm, incised-dentate.   (26)
+ Basal petiole slightly shorter to longer than blade.   (27)
26 (25) Corolla yellowish white, middle lobe of lower lip not spotted   17 Dracocephalum nodulosum
+ Corolla purple, middle lobe of lower lip purple spotted   18 Dracocephalum hoboksarensis
27 (25) Corolla slightly exserted   22 Dracocephalum velutinum
+ Corolla 1.5-2 × as long as calyx.   (28)
28 (27) Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx subtruncate.   (29)
+ Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx rounded.   (30)
29 (28) Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx broadly elliptic, obtuse, short spinescent   26 Dracocephalum purdomii
+ Middle tooth of upper lip of calyx trapeziform, truncate, denticulate   27 Dracocephalum truncatum
30 (28) Leaves abaxially densely white pubescent   21 Dracocephalum wallichii
+ Leaves abaxially sparsely strigose.   (31)
31 (30) Petioles of middle cauline leaves 2-6 cm   29 Dracocephalum rupestre
+ Petioles of middle cauline leaves less than 1.2 cm or obsolete.   (32)
32 (31) Floral leaves coarsely dentate; corolla 3.3-4 cm   28 Dracocephalum grandiflorum
+ Floral leaves not coarsely dentate; corolla 2-3.5 cm.   (33)
33 (32) Leaves abaxially purplish, sparsely pubescent on veins or glabrous   25 Dracocephalum bullatum
+ Leaves abaxially densely puberulent, sparsely floccose-villous on veins.   (34)
34 (33) Bracts subcircular, subentire   24 Dracocephalum imbricatum
+ Bracts obovate to rhombic obovate, margin densely ciliate, 1-3-spinescent-serrate   23 Dracocephalum microflorum

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