47. Duthiea Hackel, Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. 45: 200. 1895 [“1896”].
毛蕊草属 mao rui cao shu
Thrixgyne Keng; Triavenopsis Candargy.
Perennials, tussocky. Leaf blades usually rolled. Inflorescence a simple panicle, compact or elongate, 1-sided, spikelets few. Spikelets with 1–3 florets, laterally compressed or cylindrical, disarticulating above glumes and between florets; rachilla extension present; glumes subequal, equaling or a little shorter than spikelet, herbaceous with hyaline margins, rounded on back, 5–9-veined, often with transverse veinlets; callus hairy; lemmas lanceolate to narrowly ovate, membranous or leathery, hispid or villous, apex 2-toothed to deeply 2-cleft, awned from between lobes; awn geniculate, column twisted; palea keeled, keels usually extended into sharp mucros. Lodicules absent (rarely 2, oblanceolate). Stamens 3, anthers glabrous or shortly hairy at apex. Ovary strigose, stigmas 2 or 3, borne on a long pubescent style. Caryopsis tipped by a subulate beak formed from persistent style.
Three species: Himalayas, from Afghanistan to W China; one species in China.
This genus is often placed in Aveneae on account of the several-flowered spikelets of some species; the keeled palea is also atypical in Stipeae. It belongs to a small group of genera, including Pseudodanthonia, Sinochasea, Stephanachne, and probably Trikeraia, which occupy an intermediate and basal position between the two tribes. Multiveined glumes, 3 lodicules, and a linear hilum are all Stipoid characteristics. Three stigmas may also occur in this group. Molecular evidence is scanty but indicates Stipoid affinities.
Lower Taxon