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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Campanulaceae

6. Echinocodon D. Y. Hong, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22: 183. 1984.

刺萼参属 ci e shen shu

Authors: Deyuan Hong & Thomas G. Lammers

Herbs, perennial. Roots slightly thickened, carrot-shaped. Leaves alternate, pinnatipartite. Flowers solitary, terminal, or 2 or 3 in a cyme. Calyx 2-5(often 4)-lobed; lobes with 2-4 spinose lobules. Corolla tubular, 3-5-cleft to middle. Stamens 3-5, mostly 4, free but connivent initially; filaments dilated at base, dilated part ciliate. Ovary almost entirely inferior, 3-5-locular; stigma lobes equal in number to ovary locules, linear, recurved; ovules numerous. Capsule globose, superior part conical, loculicidal, valves alternate with calyx lobes. Seeds numerous, ellipsoid, 3-ribbed, ribs obtuse.

● One species: China.

Lower Taxon


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