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140. Flickingeria A. D. Hawkes, Orchid Weekly. 2: 451. 1961.

金石斛属 jin shi hu shu

Authors: Xinqi Chen & Jeffrey J. Wood

Desmotrichum Blume, Bijdr. 329. 1825, not Kützing (1845, nom. cons.); Ephemerantha P. F. Hunt & Summerhayes, nom. illeg. superfl.

Herbs, epiphytic. Basal rhizome branching, creeping or prostrate; roots smooth. Aerial shoots (sympodia) clambering, ascending or pendulous, terminating in a 1-leaved pseudobulb consisting of 1 internode, erect and bushy or drooping and laxly branched, new branches arising at base of pseudobulb, sometimes also from other nodes along erect stems also terminated by a pseudobulb; these aerial sympodia produce progressively smaller units distally, remaining dependent on basal roots. Pseudobulbs usually ± laterally compressed, clavate or fusiform. Leaves apical, narrowly to oblong-elliptic, leathery, base slightly contracted, subsessile, not sheathing. Inflorescence producing solitary flowers each on 1 or more short, subterminal, tufted peduncles, borne in front of or behind leaf base, or both, gregariously blooming in response to a stimulus. Flowers fragile, ephemeral, lasting less than a day, thin and membranous. Sepals and petals acute. Mentum conspicuous, deflexed, conic. Petals narrower than sepals; lip 3-lobed or entire, with a distinct hypochile (including lateral lobes), mesochile, and epichile (blade or mid-lobe), 2- or 3-keeled; lateral lobes erect; mid-lobe variable in shape, straight, curved, or very undulate-pleated and transversely bilobulate. Column short, with a long foot; pollinia 4 in 2 pairs, naked, i.e., without a stipe or caudicle, subglobose.

Between 65 and 70 species: S and SE Asia, Australia, Pacific islands; nine species (five endemic) in China.

See the treatment by Seidenfaden (Orchid Genera in Thailand IX. Flickingeria Hawkes & Epigeneium Gagnep. Dansk Bot. Ark. 34(1): 1-104. 1980).

1 Lip rhombic-ovoid, entire; disk with a fleshy basal appendage ca. 2.3 × 2.3 mm; column with toothed stelidia.   1 F. shihfuana
+ Lip 3-lobed; disk and column without above combination of characters   (2)
2 (1) Terminal pseudobulb comprising 2 or 3 internodes; mid-lobe of lip very plicate, deeply fimbriate-lacerate, divided into many fine segments.   2 F. comata
+ Terminal pseudobulb comprising 1 internode; mid-lobe not as above   (3)
3 (2) Inflorescence only emerging from top of pseudobulb just below leaf (abaxial); leaves 1-1.2 cm wide.   3 F. angustifolia
+ Inflorescence appearing only in axil of foliage leaf (adaxial), or simultaneously adaxial and abaxial   (4)
4 (3) Inflorescences borne simultaneously adaxially and abaxially; leaves 1.5-3.6 cm wide, minutely retuse, arista absent or indistinct; lateral lobes of lip red spotted, mid-lobe white, turning pale cream-colored when old; proximal part of keels deep purple, distal wavy part with deep purple edges and spots; pseudobulbs ca. 4 × as long as broad.   4 F. albopurpurea
+ Inflorescence adaxial, otherwise without above combination of characters   (5)
5 (4) Mentum at an acute angle to ovary, narrowly conic; sepals and petals milky yellow, spotted with purplish red.   5 F. fimbriata
+ Mentum perpendicular or at an obtuse angle to ovary; sepals and petals variously colored   (6)
6 (5) Lip 3-keeled, median narrow, outer expanded and undulate distally; flowers pale yellow, unspotted.   6 F. tricarinata
+ Lip 2-keeled; flowers with or without spots   (7)
7 (6) Sepals and petals lemon-yellow to deep yellow, unspotted; lip red.   7 F. calocephala
+ Sepals and petals pure white or white, densely spotted purple-red; lip pure white or white with yellow keels   (8)
8 (7) Flowers pure white.   8 F. concolor
+ Flowers white, densely spotted purple-red, keels yellow, purple-red below.   9 F. bicolor

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