11. Goniophlebium (Blume) C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 185. 1836.
棱脉蕨属 leng mai jue shu
Authors: Shugang Lu & Peter H. Hovenkamp
Polypodium sect. Goniophlebium Blume, Fl. Javae Filic. 132. 1830; P. subg. Goniophlebium (Blume) C. Christensen; Schellolepis J. Smith.
Plants epiphytic, medium-sized. Rhizome long creeping, densely scaly; scales brown to dark brown, pseudopeltate, lanceolate, clathrate, base broad, apex narrowly acuminate. Fronds remote, monomorphic; stipe straw-colored, long, glabrous; lamina imparipinnate, oblong in outline; lateral pinnae 20-40 pairs, far apart, at least basal ones articulate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, herbaceous, glabrous or pubescent, rarely scaly, margins toothed or incised; veins anastomosing to form 2 or 3 rows of areoles on either side of costa, each areole with a simple included veinlet, which starts from basiscopic lateral vein, outer veinlets free. Sori orbicular, in 1 row on either side of costa, borne on simple included veinlets in costal areoles, ± sunken on abaxial surface and raised on adaxial surface. Paraphyses present only when young, peltate, clathrate, toothed at margin. Sporangia long stalked, annulus with 12 hardened cells. Spores yellow, ellipsoid, with obscure aperture, exospore with tuberculate surface, perispore pellucid. x = 37.
About 20 species: mainly in tropical Asia; two species in China.
The type species is Goniophlebium subauriculatum. Pichi Sermolli (Webbia 28: 465. 1973) attempted to redefine Goniophlebium with G. articulatum C. Presl as the type, thus excluding Blumes section and creating a later homonym.