29. Gymnema R. Brown, Prodr. 461. 1810.
匙羹藤属 chi geng teng shu
Bidaria Endlicher.
Lianas. Cymes often racemelike, sessile or short pedunculate, often 2 at a node. Flowers small. Calyx with basal glands. Corolla campanulate; lobes ca. as long as tube, twisted to right or subvalvate, interior of tube with 5 longitudinal ridges, sometimes produced into fleshy appendages and/or with lines of hairs along each side. Corona lobes otherwise absent. Filaments connate into a tube; anthers erect, apical appendages membranous; pollinia 2 per pollinarium, oblong, erect. Stigma head hemispherical, obtusely conical or clavate and beaked, exceeding anthers. Follicles solitary or paired and widely divergent, ovoid to strongly beaked, often broad at base.
About 25 species: tropical or subtropical Asia, S Africa, and Oceania; seven species in China.
1 |
Corolla glabrous |
1 Gymnema sylvestre |
+ |
Corolla hairy, usually prominently so. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Leaf blade 1-2 cm, basal veins 5; retinaculum longer than pollinia; fruit 3-3.5 cm |
3 Gymnema longiretinaculatum |
+ |
Leaf blade over 3.5 cm, basal veins absent; retinaculum half as long as pollinia; fruit 4.5-12.5 cm. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Base of leaf blade cuneate |
6 Gymnema foetidum |
+ |
Base of leaf blade rounded to cordate. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Petiole 0.2-0.4 cm |
2 Gymnema hainanense |
+ |
Petiole 1-4 cm. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaf blade abaxially tomentose; corolla tube appendages exserted from corolla tube; follicles apparently mostly paired, strongly beaked, clearly asymmetrically swollen near base |
5 Gymnema yunnanense |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially pubescent to glabrous; corona lobes and stigma head included within corolla tube; follicles mostly solitary, weakly beaked, only slightly swollen and subsymmetrical at base. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Corolla lobes densely pubescent inside; fruit 4.5-5.5 cm |
4 Gymnema latifolium |
+ |
Corolla lobes glabrous; fruit 8-12 cm |
7 Gymnema inodorum |
Lower Taxa
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