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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Araliaceae

9. Hedera Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 202. 1753.

常春藤属 chang chun teng shu

Woody vines, evergreen, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, creeping or climbing by aerial roots, unarmed. Leaves simple, entire or coarsely lobed, those of fertile shoots differentiated; stipules absent. Inflorescence a terminal, compact raceme of umbels, or occasionally umbels solitary. Pedicels not articulate below ovary. Calyx subentire or 5-toothed. Petals 5, valvate. Stamens 5. Ovary 5-carpellate; styles united into a short column. Fruit a drupe, globose. Seeds ovoid; endosperm ruminate.

About 15 species: N Africa, tropical and subtropical Asia, Europe; two species in China.

Among recent literature the following are relevant: Ackerfield and Wen, A morphometric analysis of Hedera L. (the ivy genus, Araliaceae) and its taxonomic implications (Adansonia, sér. 3, 24: 197-212. 2002); Ackerfield and Wen, Evolution of Hedera (the ivy genus, Araliaceae): insights from chloroplast DNA data (Int. J. Pl. Sci. 164: 593-602. 2003).

Hedera hypoglauca Hance is the basionym of Ampelopsis hypoglauca (Hance) C. L. Li in the Vitaceae (see Fl. China 12).

1 Young branches and inflorescences with ferruginous scales; calyx subentire, ca. 2 mm; petals 3-3.5 mm; fruit red or yellow at maturity.   1 H. nepalensis var. sinensis
+ Young branches and inflorescences stellate pubescent; calyx 5-lobed, ca. 1 mm; petals 2-2.5 mm; fruit black at maturity.   2 H. rhombea var. formosana

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