2. Herniaria Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 218. 1753.
治疝草属 zhi shan cao shu
Lu Dequan; Michael G. Gilbert
Herbs annual or perennial. Stems diffuse or procumbent, much branched. Leaves alternate or opposite, sessile or shortly petiolate; leaf blade oblong, elliptic, or subcordate; stipules small, membranous, caducous. Inflorescence a small cyme or glomerule, sometimes reduced to a solitary flower, leaf-opposed or terminal; bracts small, membranous. Flowers 4- or 5-merous. Pedicel green, short or nearly absent, small. Sepals not aristate at apex, persistent. Petals very small or absent. Stamens as many as and shorter than sepals. Ovary obovoid, 1-locular with 1 to several ovules; style very short, apex 2-fid. Fruit a utricle, a membranous-walled achene enclosed within persistent sepals, irregularly dehiscent or indehiscent, usually 1-seeded. Seeds brown, ovoid or flat-orbicular; testa shiny.
About 45 species: Africa, Europe, and Mediterranean region to C Asia; three species in China.
1 |
Flowers 4-merous; sepals abaxially hairy, apex apiculate |
1 H. polygama |
+ |
Flowers 5-merous; sepals glabrous or marginally ciliate, apex obtuse. |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Sepals glabrous; plants glabrous or thinly pilose; flowers 1.2--1.5(--1.7) mm |
2 H. glabra |
+ |
Sepals ciliate; plants tomentose; flowers (1.6--)1.8--2.3 mm |
3 H. caucasica |
Lower Taxa
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