11. Kuhlhasseltia J. J. Smith, Icon. Bogor. 4: 1, t. 301. 1910.
旗唇兰属 qi chun lan shu
Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb
Vexillabium F. Maekawa.
Herbs, terrestrial. Rhizome elongate, creeping, noded, fleshy. Stem ascending, glabrous, leafy. Leaves ovate to subcircular, with a short petiole-like base sheathing stem. Inflorescence erect, pubescent; peduncle green, sometimes tinged with purplish red, with scattered sterile bracts; rachis 1- to many flowered; floral bracts lanceolate, ca. as long as pedicel and ovary, membranous, often pubescent and with ciliate margin. Flowers resupinate, small; ovary twisted, glabrous to pubescent. Sepals adaxially glabrous to pubescent; lateral sepals connate along inner margin for up to half their length, forming a tube and enclosing hypochile. Petals membranous, upper margin adnate to dorsal sepal and forming a hood; lip longer than sepals, attached at base to column margin, 3-partite; hypochile a shallowly bilobed sac, sometimes septate, containing 2 oblong appendages; mesochile elongate, margin involute, subtubular, with a fleshy flange along exterior margin on each side; epichile dilated, flabellate, obcordate to transversely oblong, entire or bilobed. Column erect, stout, basally dilated; anther on ventral side of column, ovoid, 2-locular; pollinia 2, clavate, each longitudinally parted, granular-farinaceous, sectile, with short caudicle, attached to a solitary viscidium; rostellum at column apex, erect, 2-lobed; stigma lobes connate, at base of rostellum.
About ten species: Indonesia, Malaysia, New Guinea, and the Philippines, north to China, Japan, and Korea; one species in China.
Recent analyses of the Goodyerinae by Ormerod (Lindleyana 17: 189-238. 2002) and Pridgeon et al. (Gen. Orchid. 3: 63-153. 2003) have concluded that Vexillabium and Kuhlhasseltia are congeneric.