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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Cyperaceae

19. Kyllinga Rottbøll, Descr. Icon. Rar. Pl. 12. 1773.

水蜈蚣属 shui wu gong shu

Authors: Lun-Kai Dai, Gordon C. Tucker & David A. Simpson

Herbs, perennial or rarely annual, with rhizomes or only fibrous roots. Culms tufted or scattered, usually slightly slender, rarely slightly stout. Leaves basal, 3-ranked; ligule absent; leaf blade elongated or reduced. Involucral bracts spreading, leaflike. Inflorescences terminal, capitate, with 1-3 spikes. Spikes sessile, capitate, with densely numerous spikelets. Spikelets short, compressed, each usually with 1 or 2(-5) bisexual flowers; rachilla articulate near base, deciduous at articulation when mature. Glumes distichous, persistent on rachilla and deciduous with it, basal 2 without a flower, apicalmost rarely with a male flower, remaining ones each with a bisexual flower. Flowers without perianth bristles or scalelike perianth parts. Style base not swollen, deciduous; stigmas 2. Nutlet compressed biconvex, one angle toward rachilla.

About 75 species: tropics and warm temperate regions worldwide; seven species (one introduced) in China.

1 Glumes abaxially keeled   (2)
+ Glumes not abaxially keeled   (3)
2 (1) Perennials, with rhizomes; glumes with membranous spiny denticulate wings.   6 K. nemoralis
+ Annuals, with fibrous roots; glumes with papery broadly dentate wings shaped like a cockscomb.   7 K. squamulata
3 (1) Rhizomes short; culms tufted; spikes (1-)3; glume abaxial keel without spinules   (4)
+ Rhizomes long and creeping; culms scattered, single at each node of rhizome; spike 1(-3); glume abaxial keel spinulose   (5)
4 (3) Middle spike broadly ovoid, 5-6 mm; lateral spikes globose, 3-4 mm; spikelets oblong, 1-flowered; glumes greenish yellow and reddish brown maculate.   1 K. bulbosa
+ Middle spike oblong-cylindric to oblong, 6-14 mm; lateral spikes oblong, ca. 6 mm; spikelets ovoid-ellipsoid to ovoid, 1- or 2-flowered; glumes greenish yellow to yellowish white and not reddish brown maculate.   2 K. cylindrica
5 (3) Rhizomes thin; culms 5-30 cm tall, slender, compressed 3-angled; leaves bladeless on basal 2 sheaths, with a 5-15(or more) cm blade on apical 2 or 3 leaf sheaths; nutlet brown at maturity, obovoid.   5 K. brevifolia
+ Rhizomes thick; culms 30-120 cm tall, stout, very compressed 3-angled or nearly compressed; leaves bladeless or with a shorter than 15 cm blade on apical 1 or 2 sheaths; nutlet black at maturity, oblong to obovoid-oblong   (6)
6 (5) Involucral bracts 3; leaf sheaths purplish.   3 K. melanosperma
+ Involucral bracts 5-8; leaf sheaths brown.   4 K. polyphylla

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