1 |
Plants 0.02-0.5(-2) m tall; stems slender or rarely somewhat robust, herbaceous or rarely subshrubby toward base or throughout; flowers commonly entomophilous; corolla 1-20(-46) mm, commonly bilabiate or sub-bilabiate (if unilabiate then no more than 15 mm), lobes dimorphic or monomorphic; seed coat striate or reticulate |
(2) |
+ |
Plants (0.2-)1-9 m tall; stems robust and sometimes pachycaul, herbaceous, subshrubby, or woody; flowers often ornithophilous; corolla unilabiate or sub-bilabiate, rarely bilabiate, (12-)20-60(-103) mm, lobes monomorphic; seed coat reticulate or striate-reticulate, less often striate |
(8) |
2 (1) |
Plants low, stems commonly prostrate and seldom over 40 cm tall; corolla various shades of blue, purple, pink, or white, sub-bilabiate or unilabiate, lobes monomorphic; anther tube with a single elongate bristle or awn at apex of each ventral anther (sometimes also bearded with tufts of shorter filiform hairs, very rarely nude); seed coat commonly reticulate (1. L. sect. Hypsela) |
(3) |
+ |
Plants taller, stems erect, ascending, or decumbent, commonly over 40 cm (sometimes as much as 2 m) tall; corolla distinctly bilabiate, lobes dimorphic, dorsal pair much smaller and narrower than ventral 3 (that commonly form a trifid lip); anther tube bearded with tufts of filiform hairs at apex of at least ventral pair (rarely all nude); seed coat striate |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaves ovate or broadly ovate, commonly petiolate; corolla sub-bilabiate; fruit a berry. |
1 L. nummularia |
+ |
Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to linear; corolla unilabiate; fruit a capsule. |
2 L. chinensis |
4 (2) |
Pedicels typically bibracteolate at base; corolla tube commonly fenestrate laterally; seeds terete or irregularly angular (2. L. sect. Stenotium) |
(5) |
+ |
Pedicels typically bibracteolate at or below middle; corolla tube almost always entire laterally; seeds trigonous or compressed (3. L. sect. Delostemon) |
(6) |
5 (4) |
Stems winged; leaves adaxially sparsely puberulent; corolla small, only 3-5 mm. |
3 L. heyneana |
+ |
Stems terete or angular, not winged; leaves glabrous or villous; corolla larger or also small. |
4 L. hainanensis |
6 (4) |
Stems prostrate, rooted at nodes; leaves 1-4 × 0.8-3 cm; petiole 3-12 mm. |
5 L. zeylanica |
+ |
Stems erect, not rooted or rooted only at basal nodes; leaves smaller, subsessile |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Stems and leaves glabrous; bracteoles linear-lanceolate. |
6 L. alsinoides |
+ |
Stems and leaves villous; bracteoles absent or minute. |
7 L. terminalis |
8 (1) |
Flowers solitary in upper leaf axils (rarely supplemented by a terminal raceme); corolla tube straight or nearly so; fruit a berry; seeds cuboidal or quadrate, subterete to slightly compressed (5. L. sect. Speirema) |
(9) |
+ |
Flowers in terminal racemes or panicles; corolla tube curved or arcuate; fruit a capsule; seeds ovoid, lenticular (4. L. sect. Rhynchopetalum) |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Plants rhizomatous; corolla 12-18 mm, tube 3-6 mm; filament tube 6.5-8 mm; anther tube cream-colored, dorsal anthers 6-8 mm, slightly shorter to slightly longer than filament tube. |
23 L. deleiensis |
+ |
Plants lacking rhizomes; corolla (15-)18-26 mm, tube 6-13 mm; filament tube 8.5-12 mm; anther tube gray, dorsal anthers 4.8-7 mm, 2/5-3/4 as long as filament tube |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Stems sparsely to densely puberulent toward apex; leaves sessile; uppermost 10-25 flowers often subtended by bracts only 1/10-1/4 as long as foliage leaves, thus forming a terminal raceme; pedicels densely puberulent; hypanthium pubescent along veins; calyx lobes narrowly triangular or triangular, 1.5-1.9 mm wide, erect; corolla greenish with purple spots on lip; anther tube 1.4-1.8 mm in diam., glabrous; trichomes at apex of ventral anthers 0.5-1 mm. |
21 L. fangiana |
+ |
Stems glabrous (rarely sparsely scabrous); leaves petiolate; all flowers subtended by unreduced foliage leaves; pedicels glabrous; hypanthium glabrous; calyx lobes linear or linear-triangular, 0.5-1.4 mm wide, ascending, spreading, or recurved; corolla dark violet or purple to bluish lilac, lip often paler, or striped or blotched with white; anther tube 2-2.8 mm in diam., dorsal surface sparsely shortly pubescent at least toward apex; trichomes at apex of ventral anthers 1.2-2 mm. |
22 L. montana |
11 (8) |
Leaves truncate, rounded, or obtuse at base; pedicels ebracteolate; calyx lobe margins revolute. |
20 L. sessilifolia |
+ |
Leaves cuneate or attenuate at base; pedicels commonly bibracteolate; calyx lobe margins flat |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Stems densely pubescent |
(13) |
+ |
Stems glabrous or sparsely pubescent |
(15) |
13 (12) |
Stems tomentose; leaves hispidulous; pedicels 5-12 mm, densely pannose; hypanthium densely pannose; corolla white or faintly tinged with blue or pink. |
13 L. clavata |
+ |
Stems hispidulous or scaberulose; leaves glabrous adaxially and sometimes abaxially; pedicels 3-5 mm, hispidulous; hypanthium scaberulose; corolla purple-red or red-purple |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Capsule 6-10 × 6-8 mm; raceme 10-25 cm, densely flowered. |
19 L. erectiuscula |
+ |
Capsule 4-6 × 4-5 mm; raceme 20-50 cm, laxly flowered. |
18 L. davidii |
15 (12) |
Corolla 11-20 mm |
(16) |
+ |
Corolla 20-35 mm |
(19) |
16 (15) |
Leaves rounded and mucronate at apex; corolla glabrous. |
16 L. colorata |
+ |
Leaves acuminate (sometimes acute or obtuse) at apex; corolla pubescent at least internally |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaves 12-31 cm, attenuate at base; corolla white, sometimes suffused with pale blue or pink; anther tube densely white hirsute in sutures; flowering Jan-May. |
10 L. pyramidalis |
+ |
Leaves 6-12(-15) cm, cuneate at base; corolla purple-red, reddish, or blue-purple; anther tube sparingly pubescent on back; flowering Aug-Oct |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Stems and leaves glabrous; pedicels 3-5 mm; calyx lobes 13-21 × < 1 mm, entire. |
8 L. melliana |
+ |
Stems sparsely pubescent; leaves densely white hirsute; pedicels 5-13 mm; calyx lobes 6-14 × 1-1.5 mm, denticulate. |
9 L. pleotricha |
19 (15) |
Bracteoles leaflike, denticulate, 6-12 × 1-2 mm, at summit of pedicel. |
15 L. foliiformis |
+ |
Bracteoles subulate, entire, 1-2 × ca. 0.2 mm, near middle of pedicel |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Leaves 3.5-7 cm, obtuse or acute at apex. |
17 L. taliensis |
+ |
Leaves (6-)10-35 cm, acuminate at apex |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Raceme lax; hypanthium hemispheric. |
14 L. iteophylla |
+ |
Raceme dense; hypanthium campanulate, oblong, or obconic |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Leaves glabrous abaxially; hypanthium glabrous; calyx lobes entire. |
11 L. seguinii |
+ |
Leaves sparsely hispidulous abaxially; hypanthium scaberulose; calyx lobes denticulate. |
12 L. doniana |