9. Lomagramma J. Smith in Hooker, J. Bot. 3: 402. 1841.
网藤蕨属 wang teng jue shu
Authors: Prof. Fuwu Xing, Wang Faguo & Masahiro Kato
Climbers, large or medium-sized. Rhizome long creeping, stout, bearing roots ventrally and fronds in 2-4 dorsal rows, dictyostelic with large channeled ventral strand producing root traces; scales black, lanceolate, clathrate. Fronds papery; stipe long; lamina 1-pinnate, all pinnae or pinnules articulate to rachis, pinnae or pinnules often equal, lanceolate, margins entire or serrate; veins anastomosing in 2 or 3 rows of areoles or free in submarginal part of pinna, without included free veinlets; fertile pinnae contracted, sometimes strongly so, linear to linear-oblong. Sporangia acrostichoid; annulus consisting of 14-20 thick-walled cells. Spores elliptic, translucent, smooth to granular, without perispore.
About 15 species: S and SE Asia and Polynesia; two species (both endemic) in China.
In a recent classification, Lomagramma was excluded from Lomariopsidaceae and, along with Bolbitis and allied genera, placed in Dryopteridaceae (Smith et al., Taxon 55: 705-731. 2006).
The authors have not seen material of Lomagramma medogensis Ching & Y. X. Lin (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 22: 399. 1984), described from Xizang (Mêdog).