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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 5 | Polygonaceae

11. Oxyria Hill, Veg. Syst. 10: 24. 1765.

山蓼属 shan liao shu

Li Anjen (李安仁 Li An-ren); Alisa E. Grabovskaya-Borodina

Oxyria digyna

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Herbs perennial or weakly defined subshrubs, sometimes dioecious. Rhizomes large. Stems erect, sparsely to densely branched. Leaves simple, alternate, petiolate; leaf blade reniform, orbicular-reniform, or orbicular-cordate, margin entire or nearly so; ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire, apex oblique or truncate. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate. Pedicel articulate. Flowers bisexual or unisexual. Perianth persistent, accrescent in fruit. Stamens 6. Ovary compressed; styles 2; stigmas penicillate. Achenes biconvex, ovoid, margin broadly winged.

About two species: Asia, Europe, North America; two species (one endemic) in China.

1 Stems usually glabrous; leaves nearly all basal; leaf blade papery, margin subentire; flowers bisexual.   1 O. digyna
+ Stems densely hirtellous; leaves not all basal; leaf blade subfleshy, margin undulate; flowers unisexual and plant dioecious.   2 O. sinensis

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