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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Paeoniaceae

1. Paeonia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1:530. 1753. 1753.

芍药属 shao yao shu

Paeonia lactiflora

Credit: Tatyana Shulkina

Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as those of the family.

Paeonia is a very complex genus and many of the species are not yet well defined. A consistent taxonomic treatment will require further studies throughout the world distribution of the genus in order to resolve questions about the limits of, and relationships between, the species.

Also see HONG, D. Y. & PAN, K. Y. 2005. Notes on taxonomy of Paeonia sect. Moutan DC. (Paeoniaceae). Acta Phytotax. Sin. 43(2): 169-177.

1 Herbs perennial; disc not well developed, annular.   (2)
+ Shrubs; disc well developed, 1/3 to wholly enveloping carpels.   (8)
2 (1) Leaflets and segments up to 9, entire; carpels glabrous   9 P. obovata
+ Leaflets and segments (of proximal leaves) more than 9, at least some of them segmented; carpels hairy or glabrous.   (3)
3 (2) Leaflets and segments of proximal leaves up to 20, some of them entire, mostly more than 2 cm wide.   (4)
+ Leaflets and segments of proximal leaves more than 20, all or nearly all of them segmented, mostly less than 2 cm wide.   (6)
4 (3) Carpel 1(or 2)   12 P. emodi
+ Carpels 2--5.   (5)
5 (4) Flowers usually several per shoot, both terminal and axillary; leaflets and segments with bristles along veins adaxially   11 P. lactiflora
+ Flowers usually solitary, terminal; leaflets and segments glabrous   10 P. mairei
6 (3) Plants glabrous throughout   13 P. sterniana
+ Leaflets and segments usually with bristles along veins adaxially; carpels usually brown-yellow hirsute.   (7)
7 (6) All or most sepals caudate at apex; roots cylindric, attenuate toward tip   14 P. anomala
+ Most sepals (at least 2) not caudate at apex; roots obviously tuberous   15 P. intermedia
8 (1) Flowers usually 2 or 3 per shoot, both terminal and axillary, ± pendent; disc fleshy, enveloping only base of carpels.   (9)
+ Flower 1 per shoot, terminal, erect; disc leathery, 1/2 to wholly enveloping carpels.   (10)
9 (8) Carpels usually 2--5(--7); follicles to 4 × 1.5 cm; petals, filaments, and stigmas often not pure yellow; plants less than 2 m tall   7 P. delavayi
+ Carpel nearly always 1; follicles 4.7--7 × 2--3.3 cm; petals, filaments, and stigmas always yellow; plants 1.5--3.5 m tall   8 P. ludlowii
10 (8) Disc ca. 1/2 enveloping carpels at anthesis; carpels 2--4(or 5), glabrous; leaflets (30--)35--65, all lobed   6 P. decomposita
+ Disc wholly enveloping carpels at anthesis; carpels 5(--7), densely tomentose; leaflets usually less than 20 or, if more, at least some of them entire.   (11)
11 (10) Proximal leaves pinnate; leaflets more than 9.   (12)
+ Proximal leaves 2-ternate; leaflets usually ca. 9.   (13)
12 (11) Proximal leaves 2-pinnate; leaflets up to 15, ovate-lanceolate to ovate, mostly entire   4 P. ostii
+ Proximal leaves (2 or)3-pinnate; leaflets (17--)19--33, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate and mostly entire, or ovate to ovate-orbicular and mostly lobed   5 P. rockii
13 (11) Leaflets adaxially often reddish, ovate or ovate-orbicular, mostly entire, abaxially densely tomentose at axils of major veins; petals often with a red spot at base   3 P. qiui
+ Leaflets adaxially green, long ovate, ovate, or ovate-orbicular, mostly divided, abaxially glabrous, villous along veins, or villous throughout; petals unspotted at base.   (14)
14 (13) Leaflets long ovate or ovate, abaxially glabrous; terminal leaflets deeply 3-lobed, with an additional 1 to several lobes; lateral leaflets 2- or 3-lobed, sometimes entire; lobes acute at apex   1 P. suffruticosa
+ Leaflets ovate-orbicular, abaxially villous along veins or throughout; all leaflets deeply 3-lobed; lobes again lobed, apex rounded to acute   2 P. jishanensis

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