69. Pertusadina Ridsdale, Blumea. 24: 353. 1979.
槽裂木属 cao lie mu shu
Authors: Tao Chen & Charlotte M. Taylor
Trees or shrubs, unarmed; trunk often fluted or latticed. Raphides absent. Leaves opposite, usually with domatia; stipules caducous, triangular, entire or shortly bifid. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, capitate with 1-5 globose heads in fascicles or cymes, pedunculate, bracteate; bracteoles spatulate to linear-spatulate. Flowers sessile, bisexual, monomorphic. Calyx lobes 5, spatulate, obtuse. Corolla yellow, salverform to slenderly funnelform, inside glabrous; lobes 5, valvate or with apices subimbricate in bud. Stamens 5, inserted in upper part of corolla tube, exserted; filaments short; anthers basifixed. Ovary 2-celled, ovules 4-10 in each cell, pendulous on axile placentas attached to upper third of septum; stigma globose to obovoidal, exserted. Fruiting heads globose. Fruit capsular, obconic, septicidally then loculicidally dehiscent into 2 or 4 valves from base to apex with valves separating also from persistent or tardily deciduous septum, cartilaginous to ligneous, with calyx limb persistent on septum; seeds several, small, ovoid-trigonous, bilaterally compressed, winged at both ends.
Four species: China, Malay Peninsula, Moluccas, New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand; one species in China.