1 |
Inflorescences 2- or 3-branched |
(2) |
+ |
Inflorescences usually not branched |
(4) |
2 (1) |
Leaf blade 3-7 × 1.5-3.5 cm; inflorescences less than 5 × 3 cm; plants less than 50 cm tall. |
3 P. hainanensis |
+ |
Leaf blade 8.5-16 × 4.7-10.5 cm; inflorescences 8-10 × ca. 4 cm or ca. 4 × 4 cm; plants 30-100 cm tall |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blade abaxially densely white bullate, margin entire; branchlets puberulous. |
1 P. erecta |
+ |
Leaf blade abaxially puberulous and sparsely strigose, margin inconspicuously denticulate; branchlets densely puberulous and with sparse glandular trichomes. |
2 P. cymigera |
4 (1) |
Peduncle 4-24 cm |
(5) |
+ |
Peduncle less than 4 cm |
(9) |
5 (4) |
Leaf blade adaxially usually with a line of whitish yellow spots between secondary veins. |
19 P. scorpiothyrsoides |
+ |
Leaf blade adaxially without whitish yellow spots between secondary veins |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Fertile stamens 4 plus 4 staminodes or staminodes lacking |
(7) |
+ |
Fertile stamens 8, equal or subequal in length |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Stamens 4, staminodes absent; calyx furfuraceous puberulous; leaf blades elliptic, ovate, or rarely suborbicular, both surfaces furfuraceous puberulous. |
20 P. tetrandra |
+ |
Fertile stamens 4 plus 4 staminodes; calyx furfuraceous and with sparse glandular trichomes; leaf blades elliptic to suborbicular, rarely obovate, adaxially sparsely short setose. |
21 P. elattandra |
8 (6) |
Petiole hirsute or tomentose; leaf blades strigose; stamens subequal in length. |
22 P. cavaleriei |
+ |
Petiole puberulous, glabrescent; leaf blades puberulous; stamens equal in length. |
23 P. asarifolia |
9 (4) |
Leaf blade base cordate to shallowly cordate or if rounded or obtuse then branchlets puberulous |
(10) |
+ |
Leaf blade base cuneate to obtuse or if rounded-subcordate then branchlets appressed setose or hirsute |
(15) |
10 (9) |
Hypanthium with glandular trichomes or glandular puberulous |
(11) |
+ |
Hypanthium setose or puberulous and villous |
(12) |
11 (10) |
Flower 3-merous; calyx only with glandular trichomes; anther connective decurrent into a short non-tuberculate spur. |
13 P. ternata |
+ |
Flower 4-merous; calyx puberulous and with glandular trichomes; anther connective decurrent into a short tuberculate spur. |
14 P. velutina |
12 (10) |
Hypanthium puberulous; calyx lobes shorter than 1 mm. |
15 P. gracilis |
+ |
Hypanthium setose or puberulous and villous; calyx lobes greater than 1 mm |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Leaf blade 11-23 × 7-13 cm, abaxially densely furfuraceous and puberulous, adaxially densely furfuraceous and sparsely strigose. |
16 P. longiradiosa |
+ |
Leaf blade 3.5-7.5 × 1.5-4 cm, abaxially densely pustulate or only puberulous on veins, adaxially puberulous and strigose |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Leaves with 2 secondary veins on each side of midvein. |
17 P. longearistata |
+ |
Leaves with 3 secondary veins on each side of midvein. |
18 P. latisepala |
15 (9) |
Branchlets glabrous or puberulous and with sparse glandular trichomes |
(16) |
+ |
Branchlets densely setose, villous, or retrorse setose |
(19) |
16 (15) |
Peduncle 2.5-6 cm. |
11 P. oligotricha |
+ |
Peduncle less than 1 cm or nearly absent |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Leaf blades 10-17(-20) × 3-7(-8) cm, both surfaces densely bullate. |
4 P. setotheca |
+ |
Leaf blades 5-10(-12.5) × 1-2.3(-6.5) cm, both surfaces smooth |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Leaf blades 1-2.3 cm wide, both surfaces glabrous; secondary veins 1 on each side of midvein. |
5 P. stenophylla |
+ |
Leaf blades 3-6.5 cm wide, both surfaces puberulous; secondary veins 2 or 3 on each side of midvein. |
6 P. plagiopetala |
19 (15) |
Branchlets and hypanthium densely appressed setose or branchlets retrorse setose and hypanthium puberulous and with glandular trichomes |
(20) |
+ |
Branchlets hirsute or villous, hypanthium densely stellate pilose, puberulous, and sparsely hispid or with dense glandular trichomes |
(22) |
20 (19) |
Petals ca. 1.4 cm; anther connective abaxially tuberculate; leaf blade base cuneate. |
7 P. melastomatoides |
+ |
Petals 0.8-1 cm; anther connective not tuberculate; leaf blade base rounded or slightly cordate |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Branchlets obtusely 4-sided, appressed densely setose. |
8 P. fengii |
+ |
Branchlets terete, with stout brownish or white bristles to 1.5 cm at nodes, glabrous when old. |
24 P. tentaculifera |
22 (19) |
Hypanthium with glandular trichomes; leaf blade 5-13 × 1.5-4 cm. |
12 P. deltoidea |
+ |
Hypanthium with stellate trichomes or puberulous and sparsely hirsute; leaf blade 7-18 × 3-8.5 cm |
(23) |
23 (22) |
Hypanthium with 8-12 mm whitish trichomes. |
9 P. hispidissima |
+ |
Hypanthium puberulous and sparsely hirsute. |
10 P. ovalifolia |