1 |
Calyx teeth obsolete; fruit usually ornamented, hairy, papillose or granular, occasionally smooth. |
(2) |
+ |
Calyx teeth conspicuous or obsolete; fruit glabrous. |
(18) |
2 (1) |
Annuals or biennials; bracteoles absent, rarely 1–4. |
(3) |
+ |
Perennials; bracteoles present. |
(5) |
3 (2) |
Stylopodium conic; fruit oblong-ovoid. |
1 Pimpinella anisum |
+ |
Stylopodium low-conic; fruit ovoid-globose or cordate-ovoid. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Rays 15–20, 15–40 mm; bracteoles absent (Xinjiang). |
2 Pimpinella puberula |
+ |
Rays 3–5, 5–10 mm; bracteoles 2–4 (Sichuan, Yunnan). |
3 Pimpinella silvatica |
5 (2) |
Basal and cauline leaves homomorphic, ternate or 1-pinnate, pinnae 2 pairs; flowers fertile in terminal
umbels, mainly sterile in lateral umbels. |
4 Pimpinella kingdon-wardii |
+ |
Basal and cauline leaves heteromorphic, simple, ternate or 1–2-pinnate; flowers fertile in terminal and lateral umbels. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Root fibrous. |
(7) |
+ |
Taproot cylindrical or fusiform. |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Petals dark purple, glabrous, base shortly clawed. |
5 Pimpinella atropurpurea |
+ |
Petals white, hairy abaxially, base cuneate. |
6 Pimpinella diversifolia |
8 (6) |
Basal and lower leaves 1–2-pinnate or ternate-1–2-pinnate, rarely ternate. |
(9) |
+ |
Basal and lower leaves simple, 1-pinnate or ternate. |
(12) |
9 (8) |
Rays and pedicels extremely unequal, rays 2–70 mm. |
14 Pimpinella smithii |
+ |
Rays and pedicels subequal or slightly unequal, rays 5–25(–30) mm. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Styles 2–4 × stylopodium; fruit sparsely pubescent to glabrous; basal leaves 1–2-pinnate. |
15 Pimpinella fargesii |
+ |
Styles 1–1.5 × stylopodium; fruit densely or sparsely pubescent; basal leaves 1-pinnate, or ternate, 1–2-pinnate. |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Rays 4–10, slightly unequal; fruit densely pubescent, basal leaves 1-pinnate, rarely ternate. |
16 Pimpinella chungdienensis |
+ |
Rays 8–16, subequal; fruit sparsely pubescent, basal leaves ternate-1–2-pinnate. |
17 Pimpinella tonkinensis |
12 (8) |
Basal and lower leaves ternate, rarely simple. |
(13) |
+ |
Basal and lower leaves usually simple. |
(14) |
13 (12) |
Bracteoles equal to or longer than pedicels; vittae 1 in each furrow. |
12 Pimpinella tibetanica |
+ |
Bracteoles equal to or shorter than pedicels; vittae 1–4 in each furrow. |
13 Pimpinella bisinuata |
14 (12) |
Leaf blade reniform-rotund, cordate-lanceolate or long triangular, rarely cordate-ovate. |
(15) |
+ |
Leaf blade cordate-ovate. |
(16) |
15 (14) |
Styles 1–1.5 × stylopodium; basal and lower leaves cordate-lanceolate or long triangular (Sichuan, Yunnan). |
10 Pimpinella yunnanensis |
+ |
Styles ca. 3 × stylopodium; basal and lower leaves reniform-rotund (Hubei). |
11 Pimpinella renifolia |
16 (14) |
Rays 6–15, 1–3 cm; bracteoles equal to or longer than flowers, densely hirsute. |
7 Pimpinella rockii |
+ |
Rays (6–)10–25, 1.5–4(–6) cm; bracteoles shorter than or longer than flowers, glabrous. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Styles 1–1.5 × stylopodium; fruit papillose-rugose. |
8 Pimpinella coriacea |
+ |
Styles 2–3 × stylopodium; fruit finely granulate. |
9 Pimpinella candolleana |
18 (1) |
Calyx teeth conspicuous. |
(19) |
+ |
Calyx teeth obsolete, rarely minute. |
(28) |
19 (18) |
Basal and lower leaves ternate-2-pinnate, 1–3-ternate or 3–4-pinnate; rays glabrous or hirsute. |
(20) |
+ |
Basal and lower leaves 1–2-ternate or 1–2-pinnate; rays glabrous or pubescent. |
(23) |
20 (19) |
Fruit oblong-ovoid; ultimate leaf segments linear. |
41 Pimpinella valleculosa |
+ |
Fruit ovoid or cordate-ovoid; ultimate leaf segments ovate-lanceolate, ovate, broad-ovate or suborbicular. |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Ultimate leaf segments broad-ovate or suborbicular, 1–2 × 1–1.5 cm; styles ca. 1 × stylopodium; vittae 1 in each furrow. |
42 Pimpinella xizangensis |
+ |
Ultimate leaf segments ovate-lanceolate or rhombic, 2–8 × 1–4 cm; styles 2–3 × stylopodium; vittae
3 in each furrow. |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Rays 2–7 cm; fruit ca. 4 × 3 mm; leaflets acuminate or caudate at the apex. |
43 Pimpinella arguta |
+ |
Rays 2–3.5 cm; fruit ca. 2 × 1.5–2 mm; leaflets acuminate at the apex. |
44 Pimpinella komarovii |
23 (19) |
Petals purple, base shortly clawed. |
(24) |
+ |
Petals white, base cuneate; seed face plane. |
(25) |
24 (23) |
Plants 30–80 cm; seed face slightly concave (Yunnan). |
35 Pimpinella purpurea |
+ |
Plants 10–30 cm; seed face flat (Xizang). |
36 Pimpinella pimpinellisimulacrum |
25 (23) |
Root fusiform; petals without incurved apex (Yunnan). |
37 Pimpinella liana |
+ |
Roots fibrous; petals with an incurved apex (NE China). |
(26) |
26 (25) |
Leaves ternate, leaflets ovate or broad-ovate. |
38 Pimpinella brachycarpa |
+ |
Leaves 1–2-ternate, leaflets ovate, oblong-ovate, or rhombic. |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Bracts absent, occasionally 2–3; fruit cordate-ovoid, ca. 1 × 0.8 mm. |
39 Pimpinella koreana |
+ |
Bracts persistent, 3–5; fruit oblong-ovoid, ca. 5 × 2 mm. |
40 Pimpinella calycina |
28 (18) |
All leaves simple or ternate; umbels 0.5–1 cm across, mostly lateral. |
18 Pimpinella rubescens |
+ |
Basal and lower leaves 1–2-ternate, ternate-2–3-pinnate or 1–3-pinnate; umbels 2–10 cm across, terminal and lateral. |
(29) |
29 (28) |
Basal and lower leaves 1–2-ternate or 1–2-pinnate. |
(30) |
+ |
Basal and lower leaves 1–3-ternate or ternate-2–3-pinnate. |
(37) |
30 (29) |
Rays 2–6; umbellules 2–8-flowered; basal leaves 1–2-ternate or 1-pinnate, pinnae 2 pairs. |
(31) |
+ |
Rays 5–25; umbellules 5–25-flowered; basal leaves 1–3-pinnate, pinnae 3–6 pairs. |
(34) |
31 (30) |
Bracteoles 2–3; pedicels 10–15 mm in fruit (Anhui). |
19 Pimpinella serra |
+ |
Bracteoles 0; pedicels 1–10 mm in fruit (Guizhou, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan). |
(32) |
32 (31) |
Plants glabrous; umbels 3–5 cm across, very lax; fruit ca. 2 mm, usually only one mericarp matures. |
20 Pimpinella refracta |
+ |
Plants sparsely puberulent or pubescent; umbels 1–3.5 cm across, compact or open; fruit ca. 1 mm, both mericarps mature. |
(33) |
33 (32) |
Plants little-branched above; rays 2–6; style ca. 1 × stylopodium. |
21 Pimpinella flaccida |
+ |
Plants several- or much-branched above; rays 4–5; style ca. 2 × stylopodium. |
22 Pimpinella grisea |
34 (30) |
Bracts and bracteoles present; fruit cordate-ovoid; basal leaves 1-pinnate (Taiwan). |
23 Pimpinella niitakayamensis |
+ |
Bracts and bracteoles absent; fruit oblong-ovoid; basal leaves 1–3-pinnate-pinnatifid. |
(35) |
35 (34) |
Basal leaves 1-pinnate, pinnae incised or lacerate-pinnatifid, ultimate segments ovate-lanceolate or ovate. |
24 Pimpinella thellungiana |
+ |
Basal leaves 2–3-pinnate, ultimate segments linear or lanceolate. |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Styles ca. 3 × stylopodium; seed face plane; basal leaves 2-pinnate (NE China). |
25 Pimpinella cnidioides |
+ |
Styles ca. 1 × stylopodium; seed face slightly concave; basal leaves 2–3-pinnate (Xizang). |
26 Pimpinella filipedicellata |
37 (29) |
Root fibrous; basal and lower leaves ternate-2–3-pinnate. |
27 Pimpinella helosciadoidea |
+ |
Taproot cylindrical or fusiform; basal and lower leaves 2-ternate or ternate-1–3-pinnate. |
(38) |
38 (37) |
Styles ca. equal to stylopodium. |
(39) |
+ |
Styles 2–3 × stylopodium. |
(40) |
39 (38) |
Rays 4–6(–8), extremely unequal; pedicels 2–3 mm in fruit. |
28 Pimpinella brachystyla |
+ |
Rays 4–10(–13), subequal; pedicels 10–20 mm in fruit. |
29 Pimpinella acuminata |
40 (38) |
Rays 5–8, 1.5–2.5 cm; basal leaves ternate-2–3-pinnate. |
30 Pimpinella nyingchiensis |
+ |
Rays (5–)10–25, 3–6(–8) cm; basal leaves 2–3-ternate. |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Petals obcordate, apex incurved; basal leaves 2-ternate. |
31 Pimpinella caudata |
+ |
Petals oblong-ovate, apex not incurved; basal leaves 2–3-ternate. |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Rays 5–7, 4–5 cm; basal leaves 3-ternate. |
32 Pimpinella triternata |
+ |
Rays 10–25, 0.5–4(–6.5) cm; basal leaves 2-ternate. |
(43) |
43 (42) |
Bracteoles 1–2, or 0; terminal leaflets oblong-ovate or oblong-rhombic. |
33 Pimpinella henryi |
+ |
Bracteoles 2–5; terminal leaflets broad-ovate or rhombic. |
34 Pimpinella rhomboidea |