10. Pollia Thunberg, Nov. Gen. Pl. 1: 11. 1781.
杜若属 du ruo shu
Aclisia E. Meyer.
Herbs perennial. Rhizomes horizontal, long. Stems erect or ascending, usually simple. Leaves alternate. Panicles terminal; cincinni with several flowers, proximal involucral bracts nearly leaflike, distal ones small; bracts enveloping inflorescence axis, membranous. Flowers actinomorphic. Sepals free, shallowly boat-shaped, often enlarging and persistent in fruit. Petals free, white, blue, purple, or greenish yellow, sometimes spotted, ovate-elliptic, ovate-orbicular, or obovate, sometimes clawed. Stamens 6, all fertile, equal or 3 smaller, or only anterior 3 fertile; filaments glabrous; anther locules oblong, longitudinally dehiscent; antherodes deltoid-lanceolate or sagittate. Ovary 3-loculed; ovules (1--)5--10 per locule. Fruit baccate, globose, 3-valved, indehiscent. Seeds (1--)5--8 per valve, purplish gray, polygonal, slightly flattened; hilum orbicular.
About 17 species: tropical, subtropical, and warm-temperate regions of the E hemisphere; eight species (one endemic) in China.
1 |
Leaves with petiole 1--4 cm, leaf blade 5--15(--25) cm; inflorescences shorter than or nearly as long as distal leaves, cincinni usually several, not in whorls. |
(2) |
+ |
Leaves sessile or base attenuate into short, winged petiole, leaf blade more than (10--)15 cm (except in P. macrobracteata); inflorescences very short or very long, cincinni in whorls or, if not, flowers very dense or inflorescence branched. |
(5) |
2 (1) |
Cincinni pendulous, umbel-like, much shorter than leaves |
8 Pollia subumbellata |
+ |
Cincinni spreading or ascending, paniculate, nearly as long as distal leaves. |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Petiole 2--4 cm, leaf blade 10--25 cm; fertile stamens 3 |
6 Pollia siamensis |
+ |
Petiole less than 1.5 cm, leaf blade 5--15 cm; fertile stamens 6. |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Peduncle 2--6 cm; petiole wingless |
5 Pollia miranda |
+ |
Peduncle less than 2 cm; petiole winged |
4 Pollia thyrsiflora |
5 (1) |
Peduncle extremely short, less than 2 cm; whole inflorescence less than 6 cm, densely flowered; sepals persistent, abaxially pubescent |
4 Pollia thyrsiflora |
+ |
Peduncle more than 3 cm; whole inflorescence more than 8 cm, densely flowered or not; sepals persistent or not, abaxially puberulent or glabrous. |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Inflorescence branched, branches long, with several nodes and leaf sheaths; leaves abaxially rather densely pubescent; fertile stamens 3 |
7 Pollia secundiflora |
+ |
Inflorescence without such branches; leaves abaxially glabrous; fertile stamens 6. |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Leaf sheaths less than 1 cm; involucral bracts ovate, herbaceous, apically broadly acute |
3 Pollia macrobracteata |
+ |
Leaf sheaths longer than 2 cm; involucral bracts lanceolate and apically acuminate if herbaceous, or apically emarginate if membranous. |
(8) |
8 (7) |
Inflorescence much longer than distal leaves, peduncle more than 15 cm, cincinni often in whorls; sepals persistent; petals ca. 3 mm |
1 Pollia japonica |
+ |
Inflorescence shorter than distal leaves, peduncle less than 10 cm, cincinni dense, often not in whorls; sepals caducous; petals ca. 5 mm |
2 Pollia hasskarlii |
Lower Taxa
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