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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Cyperaceae

24. Schoenus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 42. 1753.

赤箭莎属 chi jian suo shu

Authors: Prof. Song-Yun Liang, Jeremy J. Bruhl & Karen L. Wilson

Herbs, perennial or rarely annual. Rhizomes short. Culms terete. Leaves basal or cauline; sheath reddish brown; leaf blade flat, 3-angled, or semiterete. Involucral bracts leaflike, sheathing. Inflorescences paniculate, racemose, or rarely headlike. Spikelets usually narrowly ovoid or oblong-ovoid, usually 1-4-flowered, basal 1 or 2 flowers usually bisexual, apical 1 or 2 flowers male. Glumes dark colored with whitish margin, distichous, usually papery, deciduous, 1-veined, keeled, basal 2 or 3 empty. Perianth bristles 6 or absent. Stamens 3. Style slender; stigmas 3. Nutlet ellipsoid or obovoid, usually terete, 3-sided, or rarely biconvex, smooth or with reticulate ornamentation.

More than 120 species: mostly in Australia, a few in E and SE Asia, Pacific islands (New Caledonia, New Zealand), Europe, and America; four species (one endemic) in China.

1 Inflorescences lax; spikelets ca. 2 cm; peduncle 10-15 cm.   1 S. calostachyus
+ Inflorescences dense; spikelets less than 1 cm; peduncle much shorter or inflorescences sessile   (2)
2 (1) Culms densely tufted; perianth bristles absent.   4 S. nudifructus
+ Culms laxly tufted; perianth bristles 1-6   (3)
3 (2) Culms 60-100 cm tall; leaf blade 1-5 mm wide; spikelets 7-14 × ca. 2.5 mm.   2 S. falcatus
+ Culms 20-40 cm tall; leaf blade ca. 0.5 mm wide; spikelets 4-6 × ca. 1 mm.   3 S. apogon

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