1 |
Stipules connate; inflorescences often branched. |
(2) |
+ |
Stipules mostly free (sometimes partly connate with 2-lobed apex on upper parts of plant in U. laetevirens); inflorescences unbranched or branched. |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Leaf blade ovate to lanceolate with margin dentate to doubly denticulate or doubly serrulate. |
(3) |
+ |
Leaf blade broadly ovate or subcordate, with margin lobed or rarely doubly denticulate. |
(4) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, surface wrinkled when dried, margin sharply doubly serrulate; stem densely pubescent with many stinging hairs. |
13 U. ardens |
+ |
Leaf blade lanceolate or rarely narrowly ovate, surface nearly smooth when dried, margin crenate or inconspicuously double-denticulate to serrulate; stems sparsely pubescent with a few stinging hairs at least when old. |
14 U. parviflora |
4 (2) |
Stipules partly connate, apex 2-lobed or -cleft. |
10 U. thunbergiana |
+ |
Stipules wholly connate, apex obtuse. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Leaf margin shallowly 5-7-lobed or palmately 3-lobed (lobes ± pinnately lobed again), lobe margin serrulate; inflorescences with a few short branches or almost unbranched. |
11 U. fissa |
+ |
Leaf margin usually 10- or more lobed, lobe margin doubly serrulate; inflorescences with many long branches. |
12 U. mairei |
6 (1) |
Plants usually dioecious; inflorescences branched. |
(7) |
+ |
Plants monoecious; inflorescences, at least female ones, unbranched or nearly so. |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Plants often with dense stinging and setose hairs; leaf blade ovate or lanceolate, base cordate; petiole 1/6-1/2 as long as leaf blade. |
9 U. dioica |
+ |
Plants with sparse stinging and setose hairs; leaf blade lanceolate to linear, base rounded or notched; petiole 1/15-1/5 as long as leaf blade. |
8 U. angustifolia |
8 (6) |
Inflorescences bisexual, containing proximal female flowers and distal male flowers. |
(9) |
+ |
Inflorescences often unisexual, containing either male or female flowers. |
(11) |
9 (8) |
Plant always annual; leaf blade broadly elliptic, apex obtuse-rounded; perianth lobes of female flowers connate at base, sparsely setulose along margin. |
3 U. urens |
+ |
Plant perennial; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, apex acute to shortly acuminate; perianth lobes of female flowers connate 1/2 of length, subglabrous. |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Stipules 4-7 mm; leaf margin dentate or doubly serrate; achene ca. 0.8 mm. |
1 U. atrichocaulis |
+ |
Stipules ca. 2 mm; leaf margin incised-serrulate; achene ca. 1 mm. |
2 U. taiwaniana |
11 (8) |
Male inflorescences in distal axils; female perianth lobes without stinging hairs; cystoliths often botuliform. |
7 U. laetevirens |
+ |
Male inflorescences usually in proximal axils; female perianth lobes with stinging hairs; cystoliths often punctiform. |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Female perianth lobes membranous, inner pair 2 times as long as achene; petiole 0.2-0.5(-1.6) cm. |
6 U. hyperborea |
+ |
Female perianth lobes herbaceous, inner pair subequal to achene; petiole 1-8 cm. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Achene smooth; female inflorescences in fruit drooping; outer 2 female perianth lobes 1/7-1/5 as long as inner 2. |
9 U. dioica |
+ |
Achene verrucose; female inflorescences in fruit erect or spreading; outer 2 female perianth lobes 1/4-1/2 as long as inner 2. |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Leaf margin 3-5-palmatisect or -palmatipartite, with pinnatisect lobes; female perianth lobes connate for 1/3 of length. |
5 U. cannabina |
+ |
Leaf margin coarsely dentate or sharply serrate; female perianth lobes connate at base only. |
4 U. triangularis |