49. Vernicia Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 2: 586. 1790.
油桐属 you tong shu
Authors: Bingtao Li & Michael G. Gilbert
Dryandra Thunberg.
Trees, monoecious or dioecious; indumentum of simple or T-shaped hairs, often sparse. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules caducous; petiole long, with 2 adaxial glands at apex; leaf blade entire, palmately veined. Inflorescence terminal, much branched, thyrsoid, cymules of bisexual inflorescences each with several male flowers and a terminal female flower; bracts inconspicuous. Male flowers: buds ovoid or subglobose; calyx ± spatheate, ± regularly 2- or 3-lobed; petals 5, white or reddish white to purple, base clawed; disk segments 5, subulate; stamens 8-12, in 2 series; outer filaments free, inner ones longer and connate at base. Female flowers: sepals and petals as in male; disk obscure or absent; ovary densely pubescent, 3(-8)-locular; ovules 1 per locule; styles 3-5, bifid. Fruit a drupe, large, subglobose, beaked at apex, indehiscent or slightly dehiscent at base, 3-seeded; exocarp crustaceous. Seed without caruncle; seed coat woody.
Three species: Myanmar to Indonesia, China, Japan; two species in China.
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Trees deciduous; inflorescences produced before new leaves, usually bisexual; glands at junction of petiole and leaf blade sessile and cushion-shaped; fruits smooth. |
1 V. fordii |
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Trees evergreen; inflorescences produced with new leaves, usually unisexual; glands at junction of petiole and leaf blade stalked and cupular; fruits wrinkled, longitudinally grooved, and ridged. |
2 V. montana |
Lower Taxa
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