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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 12 | Malvaceae

7. Wissadula Medikus, Malvenfam. 24. 1787.

隔蒴苘属 ge shuo qing shu

Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial, usually erect, stellate hairy or sometimes glabrate, sometimes with long simple hairs. Leaves simple; leaf blade ovate to narrowly triangular, without foliar nectaries, base cordate, margin entire or crenate-dentate, apex acuminate. Flowers axillary or subterminal, usually grouped into terminal panicles. Pedicels articulate. Epicalyx absent. Calyx shallowly cup-shaped to campanulate, lobes 5, longer than tube. Corolla yellow, cream, or white, small, ± rotate; petals 5, connate at base, adnate to filament tube. Filament tube shorter than free portions of filaments; anthers all terminal, not exserted. Ovary 3-5-loculed; ovules 3 per locule, usually erect; style arms as many as locules, filiform, longer than filaments; stigmas capitate. Fruit a schizocarp but septicidal dehiscence often incomplete (i.e., pseudocapsular), obconical; mericarps 3-5, eventually dehiscent, transversely divided by an internal septum into an indehiscent proximal cell and a dehiscent terminal cell, apex beaked. Seeds 1-3 per mericarp, 1 in proximal cell and usually 2 in distal cell, pubescent (seed in proximal cell more densely so).

Between 25 to 30 species: mainly in tropical America with a few in tropical Asia and Africa; one species in China.

Lower Taxon


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