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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Blechnaceae

6. Woodwardia J. E. Smith, Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci. (Turin). 5: 411. 1793.

狗脊属 gou ji shu

Authors: Wang Faguo, Prof. Fuwu Xing & Masahiro Kato

Plants terrestrial, of moderate to large size. Rhizome erect or ascending, sometimes creeping, stout, dictyostelic, densely scaly; scales brown, non-clathrate, basifixed. Fronds tufted, long stipitate; lamina deeply bipinnatifid, lower part often pinnate, elliptic in outline, papery or thinly leathery; pinnae pinnatifid, narrowly oblong in outline, gradually becoming narrowly triangular-ovate, sometimes stalked, glabrous, margin entire or serrulate; veins anastomosing to form a series of areoles along costae and costules, free to margin, simple or forked. Sori discrete, linear, elliptic, or crescent-shaped, occupying costular areoles, discrete, attached to outer areole-forming veins, superficial or sunken; indusia dark brown, facing toward costa, thickly papery; sporangia with long stalk, annulus of 17-24 thickened cells. Spores elliptic, perispore rugose.

About ten species: temperate to tropical areas in Asia, Central and North America, and Europe; five species in China.

1 Rachis with large subterminal bulbils on rachis.   1 W. unigemmata
+ Rachis without such bulbils   (2)
2 (1) Base of lower pinnae asymmetrical with 1-3 basiscopic lobes lacking; sori sunken, crescent-shaped or elliptic   (3)
+ Base of lower pinnae ?symmetrical, basal pairs of lobes shortened or slightly so; sori not sunken, linear   (4)
3 (2) Lamina 35-45 cm; base of lower pinnae lacking 1 basiscopic lobe; lobes acute or acuminate.   2 W. orientalis
+ Lamina 35-120 cm; base of lower pinnae lacking 1-3 basiscopic lobes; lobes acuminate or caudate.   3 W. prolifera
4 (2) Basal pairs of lobes shortened, apex obtuse.   4 W. japonica
+ Basal pairs of lobes slightly shortened, lanceolate, apex acute.   5 W. magnifica

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