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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Dendrobium

4. Dendrobium sect. Holochrysa Lindley, J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 7. 1858.

寡花组 gua hua zu

Roots smooth. Stems tall, leafy, uniformly swollen, fusiform, or tapered, semideciduous. Inflorescences a subterminal, multiflowered (to 10-flowered) raceme borne on leafless penultimate stems or older stems, generally distal, arching. Flowers usually yellow (pink or orange in Dendrobium moschatum), creamy white with pink stripes, lip with dark spots [in D. pulchellum Roxburgh ex Lindley]; some species or varieties have a single or double maroon blotch on lip.

About 14 species: Himalayas, India to Taiwan and Indochina, one species extending to Indonesia; 12 species (three endemic) in China.


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