3. Lastreopsis tenera (R. Brown) Tindale, Vict. Naturalist. 73: 181. 1957.
台湾节毛蕨 tai wan jie mao jue
Nephrodium tenerum R. Brown, Prodr. 149. 1810; Aspidium gardnerianum Mettenius; Ctenitis simozawae (Tagawa) Ching; C. tenera (R. Brown) Copeland; Dryopteris simozawae Tagawa; D. tenera (R. Brown) C. Christensen; Lastreopsis simozawae (Tagawa) Tagawa.
Plants 25-100 cm tall. Rhizomes creeping, ca. 0.5 cm in diam., covered with lanceolate scales. Stipes approximate, dark stramineous, 10-30 cm, sparsely scaly at base, stipe and other parts densely clothed in soft hairs; hairs consisting of 3-6 cells, ca. 0.5 mm. Lamina 2- or 3-pinnate and at most 4-pinnatifid at base, ovate, 15-20 × 20-25 cm; pinnae ca. 10 pairs, usually only basal pinnae shortly stalked, all pinnae usually opposite to subopposite, primary pinnules anadromous at basal pinnae and catadromous at upper pinnae with rare exceptions; basal pinnae largest, 7-10 × 10-18 cm, obliquely deltoid; stalk 0.3-0.4 cm, with 8-10 pairs of primary pinnules and basal basiscopic pinnule longest; veins prominent on adaxial surface, not reaching or nearly reaching margins of pinna lobes, with abundant spheroid or shortly clavate orange glands on abaxial surfaces. Sori terminal or subterminal on veins and usually near margins of pinna lobes; indusia small or large, glabrous but with abundant spheroid glands at margin.
Forests; 100-900 m. Taiwan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka; Australia].