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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Litsea

19. Litsea variabilis Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26: 386. 1891.

黄椿木姜子 huang chun mu jiang zi

Evergreen shrubs or trees, up to 15 m tall. Branchlets puberulent, subglabrous, or appressed pubescent. Leaves opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate on same tree; petiole 8-10 mm, hairy like branchlets; leaf blade usually elliptic, oblong, or obovate, 5-14 × 2-4.5 cm, glabrous or subglabrous on both surfaces or densely gray-yellow pubescent abaxially, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, often red in a dried state, apex acuminate, obtuse, or slightly rounded. Umbels often in cluster of 3-8, axillary, 3-flowered; peduncle short, pubescent. Male flowers: pedicel very short; perianth segments 6, spatulate; fertile stamens 9; filaments pilose, of 3rd whorls each with 2 yellow subsessile rounded small glands at base. Fruit globose, 7-8 mm in diam., seated on discoid perianth tube, black at maturity; fruiting pedicel extremely stout and short. Fl. May-Nov, fr. Sep-May of next year.

Broad-leaved forests, streamsides, dense forests on mountain slopes; 300-1700 m. Guangdong, S and W Guangxi, Hainan, SE Yunnan [Laos, N Thailand, Vietnam].

1 Branchlets, petioles, and leaf blade abaxially puberulent, subglabrous, or glabrous; leaf blade conspicuously reticulate-veined abaxially.   19a var. variabilis
+ Branchlets, petioles, and leaf blade abaxially densely gray-yellow appressed pubescent; leaf blade inconspicuously reticulate-veined abaxially.   19b var. oblonga

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