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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Syndiclis

2. Syndiclis marlipoensis H. W. Li, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(2): 72. 1979.

麻栗坡油果樟 ma li po you guo zhang

Shrubs, ca. 2.5 m tall. One-year-old branchlets purple-brown, subterete, striate, densely corky lenticellate, glabrate; current year branchlets ± compressed, very densely rusty pubescent. Terminal buds small, ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm, densely rusty pubescent. Leaves subopposite or alternate; petiole red-brown, 0.8-1.5 cm, plano-convex, densely rusty pubescent; leaf blade purplish brown and opaque abaxially, yellowish brown and shiny adaxially, elliptic to oblong, 13-16.5 × 5.5-8.3 cm, papery, rusty pilose mainly along midrib abaxially, glabrous adaxially, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, arcuate and interconnected by buds, lowest ones always very close to leaf margin, lateral veins, midrib, and transverse veins conspicuously elevated abaxially, very impressed adaxially, veinlets ± visible and finely foveolate abaxially, obscure adaxially, base broadly cuneate, margin slightly revolute, apex shortly acuminate or sometimes obtuse. Panicle axillary, ca. 2.5 cm, few flowered; peduncle ca. 1.3 cm, peduncle and rachis densely rusty pubescent. Pedicels ca. 1.5 mm after anthesis, sparsely pubescent. Perianth ca. 1.5 mm after anthesis, glabrous outside, densely yellowish brown pubescent inside; perianth tube obconical, ca. 1 mm; perianth lobes 4(or 5), broadly ovate. Ovary elongate after anthesis, filiform, up to 5 mm, glabrous. Fr. Nov.

● Evergreen broad-leaved forests; 1300-1600 m. SE Yunnan (Malipo).


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