7. Cardamine multiflora T. Y. Cheo & R. C. Fang, Bull. Bot. Lab. N. E. Forest. Inst., Harbin. 1980(6): 21. 1980.
多花碎米荠 duo hua sui mi ji
Herbs perennial, 35-75 cm tall. Rhizomes stout. Stems erect, angled, sparsely pilose, lower nodes sometimes producing stolons to 60 cm, branched above middle. Basal leaves withered by anthesis. Middle cauline leaves pinnatisect; petiole (0.5-)1-3 cm, ciliate, gradually winged from apex to a much broader, auriculate or amplexicaul base; auricles oblong or ovate, (1.5-)2.5-10(-13) × 1-3(-5) mm, ciliate; terminal lobe broadly obovate or obovate-oblong, (0.5-)1-4.5(-6) × (0.6-)1-2.5(-3) cm, pilose, subsessile or with a petiolule 2-12 mm, base cuneate and often decurrent with adjacent lateral lobes, margin crenate, apex obtuse to subacute; lateral lobes 1-4 on each side of rachis, similar to terminal lobe but smaller. Uppermost leaves and stolon leaves trifid, with oblanceolate or narrowly obovate terminal lobe decurrent with narrower and smaller lateral lobes; petiole rarely to 1 cm; auricles rarely to 2 mm or reduced to a tooth. Racemes many flowered, in panicles. Fruiting pedicels divaricate or ascending, 1-2.5 cm, glabrous, straight. Sepals ovate or oblong, 2-3 × 1-1.5 mm, glabrous, lateral pair subsaccate. Petals purple, spatulate, 6-8 × 2.5-3.5 mm, apex rounded. Median filament pairs 3.5-5 mm, lateral pair 2.5-3.5 mm; anthers oblong, 0.9-1.3 mm. Ovules 12-16 per ovary. Fruit linear, 1-2 cm × 1.2-1.5 mm; valves smooth, glabrous; style 1-3 mm. Seeds brown, oblong, 1.5-1.7 × 0.8-1 mm, wingless. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jul-Aug.
* Mountain slopes, damp places, forests; 2100-3700 m. Sichuan, Yunnan.