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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 9 | Hamamelidaceae | Exbucklandia

2. Exbucklandia populnea (R. Brown ex Griffith) R. W. Brown, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 36: 348. 1946.

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Bucklandia populnea R. Brown ex Griffith, Asiat. Res. 19(1): 95. 1836; Aeschynanthus esquirolii H. Léveillé; B. populifolia J. D. Hooker & Thomson; Symingtonia populnea (R. Brown ex Griffith) Steenis.

Trees 16–20(–30) m tall; branchlets pubescent. Stipules elliptic or obovate, 2–3 × 1–2 cm; petiole 3–6 cm, longer in young leaves, glabrous; leaf blade broadly ovate-rounded or sometimes palmately 3-lobed in young leaves, 10–17 × 9–13 cm, abaxially glabrous, adaxially drying dark green, shiny, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, palmately 5–7-veined. Inflorescences capitate, sometimes arranged in racemes; heads 8–12-flowered; peduncle 1–2 cm, pubescent. Petals usually absent (2–3 mm in Indian plants). Stamens ca. 5 mm, filaments slender, glabrous. Ovary yellow-brown pubescent; styles 3–4 mm, erect. Capsules ellipsoid, 7–9 × 5–6 mm, smooth, dehiscing above middle. Seeds narrowly winged. Fl. May–Jul, fr. Aug–Oct.

Slopes in evergreen forests; ca. 1200 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India, Indonesia, W Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim, Thailand, Vietnam].


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