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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 12 | Actinidiaceae | Saurauia

4b. Saurauia erythrocarpa var. grosseserrata C. F. Liang & Y. S. Wang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 49(2): 331. 1984.

粗齿水东哥 cu chi shui dong ge

Shrubs. Branchlets and petioles tomentose or not, with dense subulate scales, and proximally with some unguiculate hairs, scales truncate or 2-fid at apex. Leaf blade narrowly to broadly elliptic-obovate, subulate scaly on veins abaxially, base obtuse to rounded. Inflorescences ca. 3 cm, slender, with 1 bract at base of each branch; bract broadly ovate, large, 5-9 mm. Petals broadly elliptic to suborbicular. Fl. Sep-Oct, fr. Oct-Nov.

● Sparse mountain forests, valleys; 1200-1400 m. S Yunnan.


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