19. Elaeagnus taliensis C. Y. Chang, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 23: 376. 1985.
大理胡颓子 da li hu tui zi
Shrubs, evergreen, erect. Spines absent; young branches densely rust-colored scaly. Petiole 6-8 mm, slender, densely red-brown scaly; leaf blade abaxially pale gray, adaxially drying greenish brown or brown, ovate or broadly elliptic, 2-7 × 1.3-3 cm, thinly leathery or papery, abaxially at first with sparse silvery or brown scales, some becoming stellate, adaxially at first with sparse silvery or brown scales, later glabrescent and punctate, lateral veins 6 or 7 per side of midrib, abaxially hardly distinct, adaxially somewhat conspicuous, base ± rounded, margin often slightly revolute or irregular, apex rounded or obtuse. Flowers in axillary clusters of 5-7, mostly toward base of shoots. Pedicel silvery, 4-8 mm. Flowers whitish, outside with dense silvery scales mixed with a few brown scales. Calyx tube tubular-campanulate, 5-6 mm, conspicuously constricted above ovary, enlarged below lobes; lobes triangular, ca. 3 mm, inside pale yellow, sparsely white stellate-pilose, apex bluntly acuminate. Filaments very short; anthers oblong, ca. 1.1 mm. Style straight, densely white stellate-pilose; stigma inflexed, ca. 1.5 mm. Fruit not seen.
● About 1500 m. W Yunnan (Dali, Luxi).
Elaeagnus taliensis is known to us only from the protologue.