6. Fordiophyton cordifolium C. Y. Wu ex C. Chen, Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin. 4(3): 61. 1984.
心叶异药花 xin ye yi yao hua
Herbs to 70 cm tall. Stems 4-sided, narrowly winged on angles, glabrous. Petiole (3-)6-15 cm, both sides winged, apex ± setose; leaf blade cordate to ovate-cordate, 5-13 × 4-9.5 cm, papery to submembranous, often with small white spots, glabrous, secondary veins 4 or 5 on each side of midvein, base cordate, margin sparsely serrulate, apex broadly acuminate to acute. Inflorescences terminal, umbellate panicles, densely many-flowered; peduncle 10-17 cm, glabrous; bracts caducous. Pedicel 4-sided, 5-10 mm. Hypanthium funnel-shaped, ca. 8 mm, 4-sided, glabrous. Calyx lobes oblong to ovate, 6-8 × 3-4 mm, apex obtuse to acute. Petals lavender, ovate, ca. 11 × 7 mm, oblique, apex acute. Longer stamens ca. 2.1 cm; anthers linear, ca. 1 cm, base shortly spurred; connective decurrent, forming a spur. Shorter stamens ca. 1 cm; anthers ovate, ca. 4 mm. Ovary half inferior, obovate, apex with a membranous crown. Fl. Mar-Apr.
● Forests, valleys, damp places. Guangdong (Xinyi).
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