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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Melastomataceae | Memecylon

1. Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco, Fl. Filip. 301. 1837.

狭叶谷木 xia ye gu mu

Shrubs or small trees. Branches terete, glabrous. Leaves sessile or with a petiole to 3 mm; leaf blade elliptic, elliptic-ovate, or ovate-oblong, 6-8(-12) × 2-3.5(-5) cm, leathery, both surfaces glabrous, secondary veins ca. 6 on each side of midvein and inconspicuous, base obtuse to cuneate, margin entire, apex acuminate with an obtuse tip. Inflorescences axillary, densely cymose. Flowers 1-2 mm in diam. Fruit globular, 7-8 × ca. 8 mm.

Dense forest margins by streamsides; 300-500 m. Taiwan (Lan Yu) [Indonesia, Philippines].


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