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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 13 | Araliaceae | Aralia

29. Aralia tibetana G. Hoo, Acta Phytotax. Sin., Addit. 1: 175. 1965.

西藏土当归 xi zang tu dang gui

Herbs, perennial. Leaves 2-pinnately compound; petiole 7-16 cm, glabrous; petiolules 3-7 mm (terminal one to 3 cm), pubescent; leaflets 3-5 per pinna, heteromorphic, terminal ones oblong-ovate, 5.5-7.5 × 2.2-4 cm, lateral ones rhombic-oblong or cordate, 3-6.5 × 1.4-2.8 cm, membranous or papery, both surfaces sparsely pubescent, secondary veins 5-8 pairs, tertiary veins conspicuous abaxially, base rounded to subcordate, margin serrulate, apex long acuminate. Inflorescence a terminal panicle of umbels; primary axis longer than 10 cm; secondary axes 2-6 cm, slender, pubescent, 2-6 verticillately arranged near middle of primary axis; bracts conic, densely pubescent; um- bels 1-3 per secondary axis, many flowered; pedicels 8-10 mm, densely pubescent. Ovary 5-carpellate; styles 5, basally united, apically free. Fruit ovoid. Fl. Aug, fr. Sep.

● Forests, scrub fields; 3200-3500 m. Xizang.


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