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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 14 | Ericaceae | Pyrola

24. Pyrola szechuanica Andres, Acta Horti Gothob. 1: 170. 1924.

四川鹿蹄草 si chuan lu ti cao

Herbs 15–25 cm tall. Rhizome long, slender, branched. Leaves 3–7, crowded at base of caudex; petiole 6–7.5 cm; leaf blade light green abaxially, green and slightly shiny adaxially, broadly ovate, ovate, or broadly oblong, 4–5(–6) × (3.5–)4–5(–6.5) cm, thinly leathery, base suborbicular or subcordate, margin with remote teeth, apex obtuse. Scape with 2–4 scalelike leaves at base; raceme 6–12-flowered, 4–6 cm. Pedicel to 1 cm at fruiting; bracts lanceolate, 8–10 mm. Flowers ± nodding, widely opened, saucer-shaped, ca. 1 cm in diam. Sepals ligulate, 4–6 × 1.5–3 mm, apex mucronulate. Petals yellow or yellowish white, broadly ovate, 6–10 × 5–7 mm, apex rounded. Filaments glabrous; anthers yellow, ca. 2 mm. Style exserted, 7–9 mm, curved, dilated inconspicuously at apex into a ring. Capsules 7–8 mm in diam. Fl. Jun–Jul, fr. Aug–Sep.

Evergreen or mixed forests; 1400–2700 m. Sichuan.


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