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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Myrsinaceae | Maesa

29. Maesa densistriata C. Chen & C. M. Hu in C. Chen, Novon. 4: 322. 1994.

灰叶杜茎山 hui ye du jing shan

Shrubs 1-2 m tall. Branchlets angular, sparsely puberulent when young, glabrescent when mature. Petiole ca. 1.5 cm; leaf blade oblong, elliptic-lanceolate, to oblanceolate, 8.5-14 × 2.5-5.5 cm, papery, glabrous, densely and minutely longitudinally glandular striate, base cuneate, margin serrate, apex acute or abruptly acuminate; midrib and lateral veins prominent especially abaxially, lateral veins ca. 10 per side, ending in teeth. Flowers unknown. Infructescences axillary, paniculate, 1.5-4 cm, many branched, glabrous, inserted at leaf axils of 2-year old branches; bracts lanceolate, ca. 0.5 mm; bracteoles ovate, glabrous. Fruiting pedicel 1-2 mm, glabrous. Fruit globose, 3-4 mm in diam., somewhat fleshy, glabrous, not glandular, persistent sepals ovate-triangular, glabrous, glandular at apex, ciliate.

* Sparse broad-leaved forests, shrubby areas, sunny hillsides; 900-2000 m. Yunnan


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