43. Androsace flavescens Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. sér. 3, 32: 506. 1888.
南疆点地梅 nan jiang dian di mei
Herbs perennial, laxly cespitose. Shoots usually 3 or 4, arising from leaf rosettes of current year, 1--2 cm, sparsely pilose near apex, glabrous proximally. Leaves obscurely dimorphic. Outer leaves sessile, ligulate-oblanceolate, 5--10 X 1.5--3 mm, densely hirsute on distal 1/2, base attenuate, apex obtuse. Petiole of inner leaves obsolescent to 1/3 as long as leaf blade; leaf blade oblanceolate, 2--3(--5) X 2.5--4 cm, abaxially sparsely hirsute, adaxially glabrescent, base attenuate, margin with long spreading hairs, apex obtuse to subrounded. Scapes 1--3 in each rosette, 2--7 cm, pilose; umbels 6--10-flowered, densely grayish white villous; bracts ligulate-oblong, leaflike, 5--7 X ca. 2 mm, base slightly gibbous, apex obtuse. Pedicel 1--3 mm. Calyx ca. 3 mm, parted to middle; lobes narrowly ovate, apex obtuse. Corolla pale yellow, 6--9 mm in diam.; lobes broadly obovate, margin slightly undulate. Fl. Jun.
* In shaded rock crevices, near water in ravines; 2900--3700 m. S Xinjiang (N flank of Kunlun) [Kashmir?]
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