43. Lysimachia alpestris Champion ex Bentham, Hooker's J. Bot. Kew. Gard. Misc. 4: 299. 1852.
香港过路黄 xiang gang guo lu huang
Herbs perennial, 1--4 cm tall, with dense long coarse grayish hairs throughout. Stolons 4--15 cm, arising from leaf rosette, leafy at apex. Leaves numerous, spirally arranged, ± forming a rosette, subsessile, spatulate to narrowly oblanceolate, 3--6 X 0.6--1.5 cm, tapering toward base, apex rounded and mucronate. Pedicel ca. as long as to slightly longer than leaves. Flowers solitary, axillary. Calyx lobes lanceolate, 5--6 X ca. 2 mm, apex acute. Corolla yellow, deeply parted; tube 1--1.5 mm; lobes obovate-elliptic, 4--15 mm wide, apex rounded, erose. Filaments ca. 3 mm, lower 1/2 connate into a tube; anthers narrowly oblong, dorsifixed, opening by lateral slits, ca. 2 mm. Ovary ovoid; style slightly shorter than stamens. Capsule unknown. Fl. Apr.
* Wet areas in open forests; below 100 m. Guangdong (Xinhui Xian), Hong Kong.
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