1. Palaquium formosanum Hayata, J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. 30: 184. 1911.
台湾胶木 tai wan jiao mu
Palaquium hayatae H. J. Lam.
Trees 5--7(--20) m tall. Bark dark brown. Branchlets terete, reddish brown tomentose or glabrous, with distinct leaf scars. Leaves alternate, closely clustered at end of branchlets; stipules lanceolate, grayish tomentose abaxially, early deciduous; petiole 7--12 mm, yellowish puberulent; leaf blade thickly leathery, ovate-oblong, obovate, or spathulate, 10--17 X 4.5--7.5 cm, both surfaces glabrous or with clustered white hairs on veins, cinnamomous puberulent on veins when young, base broadly cuneate, apex rounded to cordate, lateral veins 10--12 pairs. Flowers axillary, solitary or in clusters of 3--6. Pedicels angular, 7--12 mm, thickened in fruit and to 2.8 cm, yellowish rust colored tomentose. Sepals broadly ovate, 4--4.5 X 4--5 mm, outside brownish tomentose, enlarged in fruit and to ca. 6 X 5 mm. Corolla pale yellowish gray, 6-lobed. Stamens 12--15, included. Ovary 6-locular. Fruit ellipsoid, often oblique, 4--5 X 1.5--2 cm, apex rounded to subtruncate, often with a ca. 1.5 cm persistent style. Seeds fusiform, compressed, ca. 3.5 X 1.1 X 0.9 cm.
Forests; low elevations. Taiwan [Philippines]
No specimen has been seen by the authors. The description is based on the original protolog and P. Royen (Blumea: 10: 472. 1960).
Timber. Fruit edible.