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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 16 | Convolvulaceae | Merremia

13. Merremia hungaiensis (Lingelsheim & Borza) R. C. Fang, Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 64(1): 76. 1979.

山土瓜 shan tu gua

Herbs perennial, twining, with globose or ovoid tubers. Stems striate, glabrous. Petiole 0.8-3.5 cm, pubescent; leaf blade elliptic, ovate, oblong, or narrowly elliptic to linear, 2.5-11.5 X (0.4-)0.7-5 cm, glabrous, sparsely ciliate only at base, base obtuse, cuneate, or shallowly cordate, margin entire or minutely erose, apex obtuse, emarginate, acuminate, or acute, mucronulate. Inflorescences lax dichasial cymes, 2- to several flowered, rarely flowers solitary; peduncle 2-6 cm, glabrous; bracts scalelike, ca. 1 mm. Pedicel 0.5-2 cm, thicker than peduncle, glabrous. Sepals elliptic, unequal, outer 2 sepals 0.7-1.4 cm, inner ones 1.2-1.5 cm, glabrous. Corolla yellow, funnelform, 3.5-6 cm, midpetaline bands pubescent apically. Stamens slightly unequal; filaments pubescent basally. Ovary conical, glabrous. Capsule oblong, 1-1.3 cm. Seeds 5.5-7 mm, densely dark brown tomentose.

* Grassy, shrubby mountain slopes, pine forest floors, roadsides, thickets; 1200-3200 m. Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan

1 Leaf blade elliptic, ovate, or oblong, 2.5-11.5 1.2-5 cm   13a var. hungaiensis
+ Leaf blade narrowly elliptic to linear, 5-10 0.4-1.5(-3) cm   13b var. linifolia

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