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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Verbenaceae | Clerodendrum

31. Clerodendrum griffithianum C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker, Fl. Brit. India. 4: 590. 1885.

西垂茉莉 xi chui mo li

Shrubs 1-4 m tall; branchlets, petioles, peduncles, pedicels, and calyces viscid pubescent. Petiole 1.5-4 cm; leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic, 5-12 2.5-6 cm, papery, pubescent or adaxially subglabrous, base cuneate to subrounded, margin usually entire, apex acuminate to caudate. Inflorescences terminal, few to many 3-flowered cymes; bracts linear, 1-1.5 cm. Calyx purple, ca. 1.5 cm, tube short. Corolla white, ca. 4 cm, outside densely yellow glandular; tube slender, ca. 3 cm; lobes spatulate, ca. 1 cm. Fruiting calyx enlarged; teeth triangular-lanceolate, overtopping drupe. Drupes black, globose, ca. 1 cm in diam. Fl. and fr. Nov-Jun.

Forests; 800-1700 m. S Yunnan [India, Myanmar].


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