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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Lamiaceae | Phlomis

15. Phlomis maximowiczii Regel, Mélanges Biol. Bull. Phys.-Math. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 9: 594. 1886.

大叶糙苏 da ye cao su

Stems erect, 80-100 cm tall, sparsely minute retrorse hispid, branched toward apex. Petiole of lower stem leaves 7-9 cm, others 2-3 cm; basal leaf blades ovate, 9-15 × 8-10 cm, adaxially sparsely minute hispid, abaxially sparsely stellate pilose, base shallowly cordate, margin serrate or dentate, apex acuminate; upper stem leaves much reduced. Verticillasters many flowered, separate; peduncle 1-2 mm; basal floral leaves subsessile, longer than verticillasters, ovate-lanceolate; upper floral leaves 2-3 × 1-2 cm, margin entire or dentate, sometimes equal to verticillasters; bracts lanceolate, 9-10 mm, margin ciliate. Calyx tubular, slightly enlarged at apex, 8-10 mm, spreading bristly outside on veins; teeth truncate, puberulent except for apical tuft inside, apex spinescent. Corolla reddish, ca. 2 cm; tube glabrous except for apex white pilose on back outside, villous annulate inside; upper lip ca. 9 mm, margin irregularly denticulate, densely bearded inside, densely lanate and stellate tomentose outside, hairs with a long central arm; lower lip ca. 5 × 7 mm, pilose outside, middle and lateral lobes ovate. Stamens included; filaments apex villous, posterior filament appendages obliquely spreading, short spurred at base above annulus. Ovary lobes apex pubescent. Fl. Jul-Aug.

* Forest margins, riverbanks. Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning

Roots used as a febrifuge, to reduce swelling, and for furunculosis. Nutlet oil content is 20–34%.


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