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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 18 | Scrophulariaceae | Rehmannia

1. Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertner) Liboschitz ex De Candolle, Prodr. 9: 275. (1845).

地黄 di huang

Digitalis glutinosa Gaertner, Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop. 14: 544. 1770; Rehmannia sinensis (Buc'hoz) Bunge ex Link; R. glutinosa var. hemsleyana Diels; R. glutinosa var. huechingensis Chao & Shih; R. glutinosa f. huechingensis (Chao & Shih) P. G. Hsiao, R. glutinosa f. purpurea Matsuda.

Herbs, 10-30 cm tall, densely villous with glandular and eglandular hairs. Rhizomes to 5.5 cm, fleshy. Stems purple-red. Basal leaves usually rosulate. Stem leaves gradually or abruptly decreasing in size or reduced to bracts upward; leaf blade ovate to narrowly elliptic, 2-13 X 1-6 cm, base tapering, margin irregularly crenate or obtusely serrate to toothed. Flowers axillary or in terminal racemes. Pedicel 0.5-3 cm, slender, ascending. Bracteoles absent. Calyx 1-1.5 cm, 10-veined; lobes 5, oblong-lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, or subtriangular, 5-6 X 2-3 mm, rarely 2 lower lobes further lobed. Corolla 3-4.5 cm, white villous; tube narrow; lobes outside purple-red, inside yellow-purple, 5-7 X 4-10 mm, apex obtuse to emarginate. Stamens 4; anther locules oblong, ca. 2.5 mm, base divaricate. Ovary 2-loculed when young, 1-loculed with age. Capsule ovoid to narrowly ovoid, 1-1.5 cm. Fl. and fr. Apr-Jul.

* Mountain slopes, trailsides; near sea level to 1100 m. Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi.

Rehmannia glutinosa is widely cultivated for its rhizomes which are used medicinally.


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