10. Staurogyne concinnula (Hance) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 497. 1891.
叉柱花 cha zhu hua
Ebermaiera concinnula Hance, J. Bot. 6: 300. 1868.
Herbs to 15 cm tall, perennial. Stems generally short, partially subterranean, 0.5-6 cm, usually simple, rarely few branched, terete, densely shortly pubescent. Leaves in a basal rosette; petiole 0.3-3 cm, pubescent; leaf blade oblanceolate, 1.5-7 × 0.5-1.5 cm, scarious, abaxially glaucous and pubescent along veins, adaxially green and sometimes pubescent along veins, secondary veins 5-8 on each side of midvein and abaxially prominent, base gradually attenuate, margin obscurely undulate, apex obtuse to rounded. Racemes 1-4, axillary, sometimes loosely branched and forming a panicle, 5-15 cm; branches slender, with 3-10 interrupted flowers; bracts linear to linear-oblanceolate, 2-4 mm, apex obtuse to subacute; bracteoles borne near middle of pedicel, linear, ca. 2 mm, apex obtuse. Pedicel 1-4 mm, pubescent. Calyx campanulate, 5-lobed almost to base, glabrous except for margin minutely pilose; lobes linear to linear-lanceolate, 5-6 mm but accrescent to 7 mm in fruit, unequal, apex acute. Corolla white, tubular-funnelform, ca. 1 cm; tube ampliate, ca. 6 mm, ca. 4 mm wide; lobes orbicular, ca. 3 mm, subequal. Stamens with longer pair ca. 5 mm and shorter pair ca. 2.5 mm; filaments glabrous; anther thecae ca. 1.5 mm. Ovary ellipsoid, glabrous; style ca. 5 mm; stigma subulate. Capsule oblong, 4-5 × ca. 1.5 mm, glabrous, shorter than persistent calyx. Seeds suborbicular, ca. 0.2 mm. Fl. Mar-May, fr. Jul-Sep.
Forests along streams. Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan [Japan].