17. Linnaeaceae
北极花科 bei ji hua ke
Authors: Qiner Yang & Sven Landrein
Shrubs, erect or creeping. Leaves opposite, sometimes whorled, simple, estipulate, with an interpetiolar line. Inflorescence terminal or axillary; flowers in 3-flowered cymes, paired or single; bracts leaflike or reduced and located at base of ovary and forming an "epicalyx." Flowers bisexual, ± zygomorphic. Perianth 4- or 5-merous. Corolla imbricate in bud; nectary consisting of ± compact glandular hairs, inside corolla tube (nectaria trichomalia). Stamens 4, alternating with corolla lobes; filaments adnate from 1/3-1/2 with corolla tube. Ovary inferior, 3- or 4-loculed, placentation axile; 1 or 2 locules with a single fertile ovule and 2 locules with numerous sterile ovules; style long, stigmas capitate. Fruit an achene crowned with persistent sepals (deciduous in Linnaea). Seeds 1 or 2; embryo small, straight; endosperm copious.
Seven genera and 19 species (including one cultivated hybrid): Afghanistan, China, India, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, and in Europe and North America; six genera (two endemic) and 15 species (eight endemic, one cultivated hybrid) in China.
Hu Jia-qi. 1988. Caprifoliaceae (Linnaeeae, excluding Heptacodium and Symphoricarpos). In: Hsu Ping-sheng, ed., Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 72: 112-131.
1 |
Petioles of opposite leaf pairs dilated and connate at base, enclosing axillary buds; corolla hypocrateriform, with a cylindrical tube and 4 or 5 spreading lobes; flowers in 3-flowered cymes or paired; stigmas green and mucilaginous. |
1 Zabelia |
+ |
Petioles of opposite leaf pairs not dilated, axillary buds exposed; corolla funnelform or bilabiate with 5 spreading lobes; flowers paired or single; stigmas white and not mucilaginous |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Two bracts accrescent and becoming winglike in fruit; ovary 4-locular with 2 fertile locules. |
5 Dipelta |
+ |
Bracts not winglike in fruit; ovary 3- or 4-locular with 1 or 2 fertile locules |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Evergreen, creeping subshrubs; two bracts shieldlike and covered with sticky glandular hairs; inflorescence reduced to 2 single flowers at apices of branchlets (those can look like paired flowers but have more bracts and internodes separating them). |
6 Linnaea |
+ |
Erect shrubs; bracts and inflorescence not as above |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Bracts and bracteoles covered with bristles, accrescent and becoming spongy, woody and fused to ovaries in fruit. |
4 Kolkwitzia |
+ |
Bracts and bracteoles without bristles, small and non-accrescent in fruit |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Flowers terminal and paired (flowers opening simultaneously), sometimes 1-3(-8) due to supernumerary flowers axillary to bracteoles (more often so on repeat-bloom long shoots), spring flowering. |
3 Diabelia |
+ |
Flowers axillary, paniculate, single or paired (flowers opening consecutively), summer or autumn flowering. |
2 Abelia |
Lower Taxa
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