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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 15 | Plumbaginaceae | Acantholimon

2. Acantholimon laevigatum (Peng) Kamelin, Novon. 3: 261. 1993.

光萼彩花 guang e cai hua

Acantholimon alatavicum var. laevigatum Peng, Guihaia 3: 291. 1983.

Shrublets. Cushions ca. 30 cm wide. Leaf blade light green, linear, subcomplanate, 1--2.5 cm, rigid, glabrous, apex awned. Inflorescences unbranched, 5--9 cm, slightly pubescent; spike with 5--8 spikelets; spikelets 1-flowered; bracts 3--3.5 mm, glabrous; first bractlet 6--6.5 mm. Calyx 7--9 mm, tube glabrous, limb white. Corolla light purple.

Xinjiang (Tianshan).


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