8b. Syringa pubescens subsp. patula (Palibin) M. C. Chang & X. L. Chen, Investig. Stud. Nat. 10: 34. 1990.
关东巧玲花 guan dong qiao ling hua
Ligustrum patulum Palibin, Acta Hort. Petrop. 18: 156. 1900; Syringa koehneana C. K. Schneider; S. palibiniana Nakai; S. patula (Palibin) Nakai; S. pubescens var. hirsuta Skvortsov & W. Wang; S. velutina Komarov.
Branchlets and inflorescence rachis slightly 4-angled, usually puberulent or pubescent. Anthers inserted on corolla tube to 1 mm from mouth. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Aug-Oct. 2n = 46.
Grasslands, woods; 300-1200 m. Jilin (Changbai mountain area), Liaoning [Korea].
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