2. Zephyranthes carinata Herbert, Bot. Mag. 52: t. 2594. 1825.
韭莲 jiu lian
Bulbs globose, 2--3 cm in diam. Leaves several, fascicled, linear, flattened, 15--30 cm × 6--8 mm. Involucres purplish, 4--5 cm. Flower solitary, terminal; pedicel 2--3 cm. Perianth rose red to pink; tube 1--2.5 cm; lobes obovate, 3--6 cm, apex subacute. Stamens 2/3--4/5 as long as perianth; anther versatile. Style slender; stigma strongly 3-lobed. Capsule subglobose. Fl. summer to autumn.
Widely cultivated as an ornamental. Becoming naturalized in S China [native to Mexico].
When the name Zephyranthes grandiflora Lindley was published for this species earlier in 1825 than Z. carinata the still earlier name Amaryllis minuta Kunth (not now considered to be the same species) was cited in synonymy. Therefore, Zephyranthes grandiflora is nomenclaturally superfluous and an illegitimate name.
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